Darren Dahly

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Darren Dahly


Epidemiologist + Statistician | Clinical Research Facility - UCC | UCC School of Public Health | #ClinicalTrials #Epidemiology #Statistics #RStats
Views mine -> https://statsepi.substack.com/
I will continue to make fun of linkedin, because it's hilarious, but I really do see genuinely useful links/papers/studies etc whenever I log in.
We have a problem in medical/health research whereby methodological expertise is downgraded as "technical", and respect instead flows to those that can effortlessly regurgitate what other authors feed to them via paper abstracts and conclusions.
Dan Ariely just posts on linked with impunity lol
I spent my early research career studying human growth and implications for public health and my jaw dropped when I first started hearing about these height data coming out of the UK.
14 years of Tory rule gives us this utterly horrifying graph:
The satisfaction of finally working out how to best organise the thing you are writing.
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Lots of comments about parents. I meant to write a follow-up article about the research on parents, but never got around to it. Your intuitions are correct: the kids are alright, but their parents are not. To learn more, start with this short review paper; free version here: osf.io/preprints/ps...
There is a lot of research on this. Learning about racism doesn't make white kids feel guilty. Here is what it does. Summary of some of the studies here: fivethirtyeight.com/features/wha...
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Congratulations to Susan Holmes @sherlockpholmes.bsky.social for being elected as EMBO Member! people.embo.org/profile/susa...
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Super proud to have played a small role in this project led by my colleague Dr Karen Matvienko-Sikar. x.com/KarenMSikar/... Thank you @improvingpsych.bsky.social @priyasilverstein.com for the very welcome acknowledgement of the work. ☺️
Principles and Practices of Open Research (PaPOR Trail) is an open educational resource for undergraduate & postgraduate students. open.ucc.ie/browse/all/c...
PaPOR TraIL: Principles and Practices of Open Research - 003CPD - Centre for CPDopen.ucc.ie
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If you've come here from X we're not having the same issue on this platform as we have there. The link to this article is still being miscategorized as spam despite our reports to X. The link to the investigation below should work on Bluesky as it appears to be an X only issue.
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Me, crying tears of joy.
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Biomedical science folks: Curious to learn more about peer-review and the scientific publishing landscape as a whole? Want hands-on, group reviewing experience with an editor-mentor? Apply now for our next run of Peerspectives, fully online, starting this fall: forms.gle/assQnYNgpaav... (due Aug 1)
Peerspectives Course - Winter Semester 2024/25 - Application Formforms.gle We are excited to announce the upcoming offering of our semester-long "Peerspectives" scientific peer review training course for a new cohort of enthusiastic participants. The next run of the course i...
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Quick fix for one part of psychology’s underspecification crisis: Add a ‘target population’ subsection before the sample description
Pure scam. Congrats to all the clueless dipshits in academia that helped make this happen.
Sam Altman and Arianna Huffington announce Thrive AI Health, a new startup backed by OpenAI and Thrive Global to build a "hyper-personalized AI health coach" (TIME) Main Link | Techmeme Permalink
Why the hell would it I take leave in July just when everyone else has f**ked off!? 😜
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Just when I thought all was lost, a glimmer of hope appears.
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I am not commenting on the contents of the paper (www.nature.com/articles/s41...) but the article in the Guardian discussing it is pretty bad (www.theguardian.com/science/arti...) for a metagenomic test with a sensitivity of 65.30% and a specificity of 72.4%.
Autism could be diagnosed with stool sample, scientists saywww.theguardian.com Researchers found differences in the gut microbes of autistic people, raising hopes for faster diagnosis
It's a real challenge to maintain this level of humility when I am constantly proven correct about so many important things.
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Made it to Salzburg for #useR2024 ! 🇦🇹 🏴‍☠️ Couldn't be more excited for my Keynote talk on Tues: 💫"Keep R Weird" 🤪 Come for the hexagon pantsuit, stay for the rant about non-standard eval. sched.co/1c9Ix (🦭and watch @rdatatable.bsky.social for how to grab dins and some data.table swag after! )
useR! 2024: Keynote: Keep R Weird - Dr. Kelly Bodwin...sched.co View more about this event at useR! 2024
Learn. To. Use. Calendar. Invites. Or. Else.
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Well, well, well. WELL. That whole “protests made cops feel bad so they all quit” narrative? Looks like it was mostly myth. Excited to read this paper by Ben Grunwald, who compiled a huge dataset on post-2020 police employment. Agg decline was 1%… and bigger local declines not tied to protests.
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And here's the no-longer-forthcoming blog post
I've been using Positron as much as possible over the past week and it's been delightful! Blog post (probably) forthcoming about how I have it all set up. #rstats github.com/posit-dev/po...
Fun with Positron | Andrew Heisswww.andrewheiss.com Combine the best of RStudio and Visual Studio Code in Posit’s new Positron IDE
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Let's play "Spot the obvious errors in this table". I will pre-register what I can see from the most cursory visual inspection in the next post, encrypted so as not to spoil.
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Abuse of power, herd mentality, and outright fraud have protected the scientists pursuing the amyloid hypothesis for decades, at the expense of other researchers… and millions of people with Alzheimer’s who deserve better
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