
One of my biggest "grinds my gears" is performative voting, or voting in a non-primary election for the purpose of "sending a message." I've been raving about it for years, but I think I finally have the words to describe exactly what I think about it. Buckle up. /1
guess it kinda depends on the state.l - since In 40 states, all presidential voting is more or less performative. shitty system we got here
If you're not doing it to send a message (as opposed to influencing an outcome, even if only to push that outcome harder), it's not performative.
Also, while RCV is better, no system squeezing the opinions of millions of people down to a limited number of choices is going to make people happy. As John Stewart said, "It's an election. It's supposed to taste like a shit taco."
People who claim they performative voted are like me when I'm dieting and I say I didn't eat the peanut butter cookie. Of course I ate the peanut butter cookie. In defense of this bad analogy I really want a peanut butter cookie.