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Pro-choice Clinic Escort. Small-a atheist. Dirty #NAFO scum. @Stealthbadger
on That Site and and @[email protected] on Mastodon
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he's replacing this guy
Big victory for Labour — so big that the NYT just gave Sir Keir his own version of ‘Joe Biden Is Old’
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My sincere post today is that the full version of all of our major foundational documents should be taught from K-12 so no one who graduates high school enters adulthood without knowing how our government works
Happy Independence Day! This day seven years ago there was a minor controversy as Trump fans angrily denounced large portions of the Declaration of Independence because they thought it was anti-Trump propaganda. It was! We should have taken their response as a sign of how bad things were!
Me not knowing why a stranger is being so nice to me and then finding out they want to introduce me an incredible spiritual opportunity:
I LOVE YOU MR. BUBBS!!! Original by @jameswilliampenland
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I'm not saying there's a conscious media conspiracy to reelect Trump, but that the news industry has incentives that favor exciting new things. Biden coasting to the nomination is boring. The current storyline is more dramatic and is generating a tremendous amount of content
Reposted byAvatar StealthBadger
It’s amazing how much of this amounts to “we want tv to be exciting”
Wild to watch horserace journalists suggest the most politically suicidal shit and pretend it's savvy.
The zeitgeist: STOP FETISHIZING YOUTH Also The zeitgeist: Ew, old people should be not seen and not heard.
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I dont get why yall check blocks and mutelists. Theres enough psychic damage on the timeline i dont need to seek it out, who blocked me is between them and god
Reposted byAvatar StealthBadger
Nobody loves that Joe Biden is 81. It would be great if he was 35. But you know what I really dislike? Authoritarianism. So I humbly beseech people to get a goddamn grip.
The Roberts court is just begging for a Jacksonian-style "you have made your ruling, now enforce it" response from the other two branches. This is not an enforcement of Jackson in any way.
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One thing I think people forget is how relentlessly *stupid* every day of the Trump administration was. He doesn’t need to do a big elaborate complicated conspiracy, he can just (e.g.) email a list of every U.S. agent in the field to Putin and say it’s to own the libs, and *that* will have immunity.
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Before you give in to despair, remember: if voting didn't matter, they wouldn't try to hard to stop so many people from doing it.
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You're entitled to your despair. But understand that when you catastrophize on social media, you risk spreading learned helplessness. Which is exactly what fascists want, for people to lie down and cry.
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If you sing: 🎶We're the kids in America ... and they don't reply with: 🎶Whoa-o ... then they're just not that into you.
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the fact that the left and centre in France have both said that the third place candidates will drop out is getting basically no play in a US press going full apeshit over Round 1 results and yes it is so that you think fascism is inevitable globally so why not here
THE sentence of the day: A Macronist incumbent in the Marseille region came in 3rd in her seat. She just dropped out to support the left. She said, about why she's maneuvering to block the far-right: "Defeats happen, but you can never recover from dishonor."
Reposted byAvatar StealthBadger
"If only I could do something that would have a positive impact on the world-" You can. Mask up.
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i keep re-reading this to make sure i didn't hallucinate
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Shorter Justice Roberts: “Look, the main thing is that it should take a very long time to figure out if Trump can be prosecuted for attempting a coup. Ideally several more years. See you again in a Term or (fingers crossed!) two.”
However, the Court’s GOP majority did not issue a test for “official” v. “Unofficial” acts so that it can remain the ultimate arbiter of what can or cannot be prosecuted
Reposted byAvatar StealthBadger
ok that's legit funny (big letters say "tomato soup", small letters going around say "garlic bread")
guess what mysterious incantation my shirt says
Reposting this because social media means this will eventually find a hematologist who will grimace and mutter under their breath.
Making my doctor replace all my A- blood with A+ because I need more positivity
Reposted byAvatar StealthBadger
I say lose big. Biden should just go nuts and say everything he always wanted to say but couldn't. Of course, ironically, that would probably result in him winning.
mfw somebody asks "who initiates sex in an ace or demi relationship?"
mfw the one cishet guy at this pride brunch asks me if there is “a difference between the nonbinarys and the pansexuals”
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Remember when thalidomide affected a generation of children, well not if you're in the US We avoided that catastrophe due to the FDA and strict regulations. Alas, the UK did not.
reminder that there was a time when they were literally selling radium soft drinks in the USA that were so toxic that the biggest fan of the brand had to be buried in a lead coffin because of how much radiation poisoning he got from them and this death led to the FDA regulations that exist now
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hey everyone i invented a way to sous vide my baby
Just want to point out that another name for this disease is "bone break fever," because that's the level of pain that it's bringing you while it's active in your system.
Soaring global temperatures have accelerated the life cycles and expanded the ranges of the mosquitoes that carry dengue, helping spread the virus to roughly one in every 800 people on the planet in the past six months alone.
Dengue fever is surging worldwide. A hotter planet will make it Climate change helped fuel an explosion of dengue cases in the Americas, including Puerto Rico, as mosquitoes multiply in warmer, wetter weather.
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