
Walton Goggins standing over me with his boot firmly planted on my neck, slicing an apple with a switchblade. "Now it seems to me... someone needs to learn their times tables." Neither one of us has any idea what he means in this scenario.
I mean since they introduced core math multiplication, no one does.
If I remember my One Potato Two Potato workbook, there was a long period where it went to ten. Twelve makes sense when you consider how many things come in dozens. Surprised that these days it's not powers of 2 ending in 16 or 32 since that vaguely seems useful because computers
I remember in the 80s it was my mum made me memorize up to 12 (no offense intended public school system) I don't know if it was related to "dozens", or because of the Sesame Street pinball counting song...
We were forbidden from Sesame Street because it made us "too rowdy," so my first real encounter with numbers as math was at school. If my mom had taken a hand, I suspect I could've made change and calculated the cost w/tax of a pack of Marlboros by kindergarten
If it was to teach us base 12 arithmetic, that wouldn't be a terrible idea, because 2, 3, 4, and 6 are much better even divisors than 2 and 5.
That's how one ends up with old style English coinage or any other Charlemagne era derived money. 240 pennies equaling a pound, highly divisible into shillings, farthings, florin, etc.