
(Are we still accountabiliting our day It’s wine o’clock over here on my patio. Lemon bars are in the oven after the farmers market. 🍋 (My unsolicited mom advice I just reminded my own young ppl- Don’t forget to schedule (or unschedule for) leisure)
oh, the lemon bars are exciting! I wound up having to cook when I didn't plan to, which threw off my afternoon. Editing now (since I can do that by the kitchen), and with dinner coming up soon, I'll just stick with this. And look at the basement after dinner. or tomorrow.
Also - solidarity on the cooking. I’ve just been notified that 7 unexpected young folks are coming for dinner. Happy hour is over. 😐
It’s all good!! We were *that house* everyone hung out at in high school and I feel privileged that that all still want to gather w/ us. My own 2 are 23 & 25, and their friends still come along bc they know they’re always welcome.
Oooo that basement stresses me out for you 😩 - wish I could pop by and help
Thank you. It's a miserable project.