Stephen Guy-Bray

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Stephen Guy-Bray

Professor of poetry, curious, gay, love to cook. Currently writing about poems about poems.
I'm sad to hear that Alice Munro has died. She has beeb one of my favourite writers since I was a teenager.
Beautiful rhododendron & azalea by my balcony.
Goose leg, salt potatoes, and red cabbage cooked with vinegar, caraway, and champagne.
In rushing so early in the spring to put on flowers before everything else, the magnolia demonstrates one variety of queerness.
I'm sharing the meme I made. It's true!
I'm obsessed by this sign. I have no desire to know what it means.
Amazing pub ceiling in Liverpool.
I'm having a drink by myself at my hotel bar and a woman is trying to chat me up and now I understand what Frank O'Hara meant when he wrote "Heterosexuality! you are inexorably approaching. (How discourage her?)"
Oldest selfie in my phone. Budapest 2014.
Remembering when I gave my first talk at UBC. I called it "Poetry is Hard" because that's what students always say, but I used this picture of me with a glass of wine and a cigarette for the poster to show that my life was still fun. #praxis #pedagogy
I made cauliflower cheese again. Recipe to follow, as people always ask.
My first tahchin! Room for improvement, but it was good.
Here's a link to a poem by Gwendolyn MacEwan, one of my favourite Canadian poets. It's called "The Discovery":
Today is my birthday! Please celebrate. Here's a picture of me 40 years ago. I think I was laughing at a bad poetry opinion someone had.
Talking about Margaret Oliphant reminded me that I was looking on Amazon for any books by her and I was able to buy for my Kindle her complete fiction for $2.99 USD. Dozens of novels! Thousands of page! That low low price! I know we all hate Amazon, but now I can read everything she wrote.
Welcome to October, a month given over to celebrating my birthday!
Library assistant / busboy / bilingual reservation agent / model / nude model
Introduce yourself with some jobs you've done apart from what you do now: - Corner store slave - Department store dock guy - Installed advertising signs in bathrooms - Metal sales (steel and alloys, not music)
I have once again made perfect coq au vin. I use my mother's recipe, which begins with the most beautiful sentence in English: "Fry bacon in butter."
I know I'm writing a book about aboutness in lyric poetry but it's starting to look as if I also have to write a book about scents in the Renaissance. Eek.
I taught today for the first time since April 2022 & I remembered how much I love teaching.
I am essentially a man of peace, but then I remember this tweet and Fury rages in my Bosom.
In the closet / out of the closet (I came out young)
in the closet | out of the closet
Reskeet with a hot picture of yourself, to rebalance the universe by countering the influx of Rudy Giuliani mug shots
Reskeet with a hot photo of yourself, to rebalance the universe by countering the influx of Rudy Giuliani mug shots
Show me a picture on your phone that has your energy--no selfies.
I just started rereading this novel, definitely a problematic fave
reskeet with a meme that lets us all get to know you a little bit better
reskeet with a meme that lets us all get to know you a little bit better
I Spent So Much Time Complaining About The Nightmare That Is Workday™ That I Forgot About The Nightmare That Is Canvas™: A Professor's Story.
Last night's dinner: Portuguese mussel stew with chorizo & excellent Portuguese wine.
My sabbatical ended June 30, but now that I'm preparing to teach again next month it feels really over. I read a lot, I travelled a lot, I had a lot of fun, I did some writing (but not as much as I would have liked), and I made many excellent gravies. It was a good year.
I've been doing this job for many years but I'm still not tired of that moment when you're writing and you can feel the essay taking shape in your brain and on the page. It's always thrilling.