
If you do the math, electrifying *all* ground transportation in the US would increase electricity demand by less than 20%. HVAC, especially in heating climates, is going to be a considerably bigger challenge for the grid. Easily shiftable EV load could actually help make the grid stabler!
The US added 1.2Million EVs to the grid last year & electricity use dropped due to inc. efficiency. Grid stability will increase further when V2grid charging is deployed at scale. 🧪🔌💡
The US Added 1.2 Million EVs To The Grid Last Year, & Electricity Use Went Down - With over 1 million new EVs plugging into garage outlets, home charging stations, and Superchargers, you’d think our electricity usage would have shot up dramatically. You’d be wrong.
I read somewhere a few years ago that NYC’s peak electricity usage is during summer pm rush hour bc of subway and air conditioning. That would give us a cushion to electrify heating w/o increasing capacity, right?
Probably, hard to say, but for full electrification demand might, like, double during the winter. It's going to be tough