
Today's Inside Politics: Keir Starmer, Ed Davey, Carla Denyer & Adrian Ramsey led their parties to historic victories - in more ways than one. Some thoughts on the good and the bad ways these results made history:
Historic UK election hauls reveal bigger voter trends Financial We are now in an era of increased volatility where party dominance is never guaranteed
That’s a really good piece. Especially the part about the future. Perhaps at some point during these five years, Labour might consider the benefits of leading a coalition more often than not over winning 100% of the power now and again.
Your point about the fragility of Starmer’s majority is well made. And makes Labour’s perennial refusal to reform the voting system even more frustrating.
Labour has this tendency to believe its own press. We saw the same during the Blair years – that idea it was ‘forever’. I’d hope this time there would be an understanding the swing could just reverse in five years, since we literally just saw this happen from what Johnson’s Tories won.
They never learn - primarily because they are not a liberal party (with a liberal concern around democratic control of power), but a social democratic one (concerned with the exercise of power for Good Works).