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Recovering Engineer. Failed at retirement, now part time motorcycle instructor.

Motorbike travel on occasion, less than I'd like.

South West UK.
About to start cutting dog nails. Five frenchies. Wish me luck...
Reposted byAvatar StephenPacker
I am weeping here. Weeping:
James Cleverly being interviewed and a little confused, 'sorry, I'm hearing myself in my ear'. Funny that, he often has that effect on me, confusion when I hear him speaking.
Truss seems to be missing at her count? Everyone else waiting...
Good to see the tories out of Yeovil.
Fuck me. BBC just cut from Angela Rayner's speech to Farage leaving a restaurant. Seriously.
Richard Holden looking very glum. Good.
Kilmarnock results... Background looks like a pantomime!
Tantalising images of ReesMogg at the count. Did they look unhappy, possibly. Please lose.
Oh well. Mark Francois survived.
Voted. Rather a shame that they moved my boundary so I can't vote *against* Rees-Mogg and feel I was part of him losing. Apparently turn out was 'quite high'.
Saw Richard Thompson at the Royal Albert Hall last night. Utterly fantastic concert. Oh and none of this encore bullshit which always pisses me off. Play your planned set and finish. Take a break and do the last few songs but don't wring applause out of the crowd...
Taking a break from gardening and thought I'd listen to some music. Every time I put Siouxsie and the Banshees Juju on I'm impressed by it. Great album.
Local election day today. A bad result for the tories means more pressure on Sunak and maybe a chance he calls an election rather than being deposed. Let's vote (and remember to take our ID with us!)
Spent dusk yesterday watching four or five deer (Roe deer) grazing and playing in a field. One of them was running around and jumping like a rabbit; seemed very excited. Nature generally raises my mood. Especially squirrels.
Repost with the first album you bought with your own money. I think it's this one
Repost with the first album you bought with your own money.
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Kate Middleton standing at the door to the TARDIS, a tear rolling down her cheek. “How am I supposed to go back to my old life after that? When there’s a whole universe out there?”
Reposted byAvatar StephenPacker
60 this week (how did that happen?) bought myself another electric motorbike to replace the one stolen in the late summer. I think it's very handsome (or is it pretty?) especially with the top box removed.
Sometimes I wonder if doing my own motorcycle maintenance is worth it. Last weekend I changed a tyre but it was faulty, so got a replacement to fit yesterday. Sadly, Sat AM I got a puncture of the *other* tyre.Why couldn't it have been the worn one? Saturday PM, fix puncture, change other tyre.
Just saw someone mention wild garlic and now I'm seriously considering going out in the rain to pick some that grows a few minutes from here so I can cut it finely and put it in mashed potato. But it's cold and wet so maybe I'll just think about it. Shame I hadn't read that skeet when it was light
Reposted byAvatar StephenPacker
I hate this country. I hate how the greedy ugly people have stripped away so much post war progress and lined their pockets and how they celebrate cruelty and small mindedness and how the blameless are always the blamed - I might become religious just so I can believe they’d go to hell
Sat in my kitchen, listening to an owl hoot and my dogs snore, idly leading through a book I've got from the library and thinking about cooking something. Perfect end to a day
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