
My Solomonic view is that NYT—perhaps the president’s primary persecutor recently—showed its whole ass with this swiss-cheese Parkinson’s specialist story. It’s blatantly copied from right-wing charlatans, unvetted. And a nimbler White House and campaign would be making it pay dearly for that.
Even though I argue strongly to #ReplaceBiden, all I really care about is beating the Treasonous, Nazi Motherfuck out of Trump. In the end, 'ANY 🔵 WILL DO THAT HAS THE BEST CHANCE OF BEATING TRUMP. If Biden is not that person,he must go no matter your feelings for him.
Biden? Harris? I don't care. Stopping Trump and Project 2025 is all that matters. (USA Today) Democrats are all atwitter, having a hard but necessary discussion about President Joe Biden’s age and ability to continue as the party’s presidential candid...
No crystal ball exists, that will provide the definitive answer to "who has the best chance of beating Trump." Especially, when there is not a remote consensus of even *opinion* as to who that might be. I am voting for the Democratic nominee. That's Biden. If it changes, I'll adapt.
Same. However, given the way Biden is campaigning now, is it your impression that he is the best we have to beat Trump? I do not.
Until I hear of a replacement in some unanimity and see that person's steady poll numbers against Trump, I'll stick with Biden. Because anyone polling slightly better now will be subject to some poll-changing attacks. Biden was never my choice for beating Trump, but he has beaten him once.
I would rather risk a change at this point than risk Stay The Course with Biden. And the ONLY reason Biden beat Trump in 2020 was Trump's genocidal reaction to Covid. There is no pandemic now - at least yet.
I would not. The best replacement candidate would be Harris. She has polled poorly against Trump in the past, and these days maybe 1-2 points better than Biden. As late as January '24, Newsom was trailing by 17 points to Trump, and Harris around 10. The baggage comes up *after* they announce.
Well, like our opinions matter anyway. We will see what happens. I will say this, however, if secret medical reports come out about Biden or he has another largely seen appearance like in the debate, his chances are toast. And the above are not out of the question.