
I'm so over it. This "Biden needs to leave" crap needs to stop. It looks like it's only 10-12 (at the most) of 264 Democrats. And there's one senior aide in the WH who's talking to the press in a highly negative way, spreading the chaos. Somebody needs to kick his/her ass out onto Pennsylvania Ave.
The hysteria over Biden is so f'ing ridiculous!!!! Trump can't even put two sentences together, he can barely read off a teleprompter, and says the craziest shit. Yet Biden has one bad night and it's a media frenzy. It's just deplorable!!!
Even though I argue strongly to #ReplaceBiden, all I really care about is beating the Treasonous, Nazi Motherfuck out of Trump. In the end, 'ANY 🔵 WILL DO THAT HAS THE BEST CHANCE OF BEATING TRUMP. If Biden is not that person,he must go no matter your feelings for him.
Biden? Harris? I don't care. Stopping Trump and Project 2025 is all that matters. (USA Today) Democrats are all atwitter, having a hard but necessary discussion about President Joe Biden’s age and ability to continue as the party’s presidential candid...