Doris F.

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Doris F.

Dog mom of 5🐶🌺🌎 Exhausted by the orange moron, Biden2024 ❤️ Make America MAGALESS
Of course they were... They have the perfect pair of puppet's!
Meanwhile in Russia: state TV propagandists and experts were positively giddy about Trump's pick of his running mate, in light of J.D. Vance's stance that they see as a catastrophe and a nightmare for Ukraine—and a dream come true for the Kremlin.
Russian state TV is giddy about JD Vance as the
Exactly right, it's almost as if it were staged. I wouldn't put anything past Trump, anything!!!
Charlotte Clymer: "It's been almost 90 hours since the first assassination attempt on a president or former president in more than four decades, and we still don't have any info from medical experts who have examined Donald Trump. No interviews, pressers, or statements. Nothing. Isn't that weird?"
Republicans lying through their teeth about the border again, Trump killed the most comprehensive immigration reform bill in 50 year's.
Trump is a rapist, convicted felon, cheater, insurrectionist, racist, misogynist, compulsive liar, malignant narcissist. Any women that supports is absolutely insane, looking at you Nikki Haley. What a disgrace!!!
I've never seen a more disgusting, obscene, pathetic group of people. At the RNC convention. MTG, J.D. Vance, Don Jr. DeSantis are people in this country that stupid?? I know the answer...
Nikki Haley is pathetic, these people are nothing but spineless, power hungry morons!!!
Who's unfit? Who needs to leave the race? Who's sleepy??? The media SUCKS!!!!
It is beyond reprehensible that Trump didn't call the family of the killed firefighter. This is who he is, he cares about no one but himself!!!!? Melanoma saying he's a "kind family man" is a fucking joke. She's nothing but a money hungry, despicable whore. The entire family is disgusting!!!🤮
Of course Vance is another Putin puppet, if these two are elected. Say goodbye to Ukraine and say hello to more war. Putin will have no restraints, neither will Trump. Terrifying!!!!
There should have been a lot more wondering about what Putin is getting in exchange for holding an American reporter hostage at Trump’s behest. We don’t need to wonder anymore.
Of course they did...
In other words, starting in 2016, the Trump campaign directed a stream of radicalizing propaganda at the Crooks family, when Thomas Crooks was about 12 years old. Eight years later, Thomas Crooks attempted to assassinate Trump, killing one man in the process.
REVEALED: Trump campaign secret data on gunman’s The family of Trump’s would-be assassin Thomas Crooks was among millions of voters profiled by Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign
Now there are two assholes, one worse then the other!
This country has the memory of a rock, everyone forgets how Trump ripped kid's from their parents. Nor did they even keep track, to reunite them. Thousands of families torn apart!! This country is doomed!!! These guys are disgusting, morally corrupt, criminals and a disaster for National Security.
MSNBC REPORTER: I covered the family separation crisis closely. Will we continue to see policies like separating 5,000 children deliberately from their parents? DON JR: You mean the Obama administration? R: You know they didn't do that, sir DON JR: Just get out of here
Aaron Rupar (@aaron.rupar) on MSNBC REPORTER: I covered the family separation crisis closely. Will we continue to see policies like separating 5,000 children deliberately from their parents? DON JR: You mean the Obama...
Roger Stone was caught on tape saying Cannon would dismiss the documents case, how did he know? The coup continues....
So pathetic!!!! Even in an attempted assassination, he's got to grift!!!! Such a fucking conman!!!!! So disrespectful to the man killed and his family.
‪Helen‬ ‪‬ · Let the gifting commence!
This is INSANE!!!!
And just like that, Judge Cannon has destroyed the Rule of Law. One hell of a job “Federalist Society”.
If this happened to Biden, the Right would be complaining that the shooter missed. It's just ridiculous how much they get away with!!!!
This is absolutely unacceptable, Fox News and News Max spew lie upon lie about Biden, his son Hunter. Make jokes about Democrats, they are disgusting. As soon as Republicans start whining everyone bows to them. This is why we are where we are, if this had happened to Biden. THEY WOULD LAUGH!
This is deranged. The press has just decided that criticizing Trump is no longer okay.
The Secret Service deleted all communications from Jan.6, why???? Nothing was done about it either!
The hypocrisy is palpable! They are the lowlife scum!
In 2022 there was an assassination attempt on Nancy Pelosi and a crazy man broke into her home and attacked her husband with a hammer. This is how Donald Trump Jr joked about the incident. This kind of language from the Trump family helped fuel today's assassination attempt.
The Republicans that called Jan 6 a peaceful protest, gfy!!!
The man who said he "can shoot someone on Fifth Ave" got shot and now will milk it to death.
Waiting for the " Help Trump Heal" fundraising email.🤮
So fucking pathetic!!!!! Trump made fun of Nancy Pelosi's husband getting beaten in the head with a hammer. He knew Jan 6 supporter's had weapons and wanted the metal detectors removed. He put so many people in danger, I give zero fucks about him.
He'll do anything for attention!!!!
Awww shucks! They missed!!!
Trump will now hide amongst the thousands of Top Secret documents he stole!
This is the best day in 8 years!!