
Lifetime Bay Area-ite but apparently I talk like Reno
i have southern family so i say y’all a lot lol 😅 but makes sense! grew up on the east coast! mostly in New England but had family in Florida, Virginia, Tennessee, and North Carolina 🤷🏽‍♀️
Probably because the most financially aware folks from the Bay move to either Sandpointe, ID (the racist ones) or fucking Reno if they can afford it. My dad almost moved to Reno.
That’s a great point, I know a few people to moved to Reno (one retired at 50, which says a lot)
I have way too much family zipping between the two. We're FROM the Bay at least a few gens back because of the railroads and stuff so like...we definitely be spreading that accent 😭
Also my family back east can't understand me. Apparently I talk too fast? I've never had a local complain to me even once.