Stephen Aloysius Katze

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Stephen Aloysius Katze

Polytropos, Asshole with a heart of gold, An emissary from Hell, bad milk blood robot, candy, he/him Will block Nazis on sight
Pfp: Cat with top hat and monocle
Banner: Giant anthropomorphized cat holding arms out
The fact that you think this is ok really says everything. Galactic level lack of self-awareness here.
My chinchilla got an infection in the same place at the exact same date as she did last year like she’s Frodo reliving the Nazgûl stabbing every year.
Thanks so much for this recommendation! I’m absolutely watching this!
Ohhhh right, the female Russian snipers in WW2 were badass. I actually saw some of their gear up close at a museum when I was in Russia in 2001. You just gave me another Wikipedia rabbit hole to go down today 😂
Movies always make assassins out to be genius special forces accomplished killers…I’m reasonably well versed in history and I’m trying to think of a single actual assassin in history who we didn’t find out later was giving bottom of the barrel failed school shooter energy.
I’m sorry to say but Theseus appears to have died
Sometimes I’ll see something like a bottle of shampoo or a turnip and just be blown away that all of this came from a blob of cosmic dust that exploded billions of years ago. How is any of this real. Literally anything.
My son: You shouldn’t have killed that NPC, he has a quest for one of the best items in the game! Me, 120 hours into Elden Ring: there are quests in Elden Ring?
My family has a legacy of work at Kaiser! My mom worked in there 40 years (pharmacy then admin), grandmother volunteered there, cousin was a nurse, dad worked there for a minute, aunt worked there as a clerk, other cousin worked in PT.
Hahaha Sounds like there is a similarity in that I take mid afternoon naps too! But it’s not for calls to Malaysia. It’s just because I’m old and tired 😂
What does he do there? I work in software quality assurance myself and I’m always in complete awe and respect at hardware people. That’s not even next level. It’s like, next next next level.
Apparently Chinese social media is saying “Trump failed to meet Shinzo Abe yesterday”
Take D3 for comparison. There was a mechanic in place (paragon points system) that encouraged playing existing characters (what we’d call eternal realm ER characters in D4). Play your characters, level them up, get paragon points that contribute to other (ER) characters, etc. the system… 1/?
communicated that “yes, we have designed this system so that you can have fun playing your old characters”. Fast forward to D4, there’s a “paragon point” system but it only applies to a single character. Really, it’s just an additional level up mechanic. So what does D4’s design communicate… 2/?
to me the player? That I should roll a new character every season (every three months or so) and when that’s over, they go to the toon graveyard…aka the Eternal Realm (parenthetically “eternal realm” just sounds like a place where old characters go to die). Everything about D4 design screams… 3/?
“Don’t waste your time with these crusty old characters! Play the sexy new season stuff!” Of course, nothing about this is preventing me from “just enjoying my eternal realm characters” but whenever I do so I feel like I’m not really “getting the most” out of the game. Is this a me issue? 4/5
Probably. But surely I can’t be the only person feeling the same way. 5/5
The news cycle is so out of control we are already moved on to the next shocking piece of information…that Disney tried to kill Jeremy Renner with a snowplow.
Saw someone on Reddit call a Scadutree fragment a “skibidi fragment” and I can’t stop calling it that now.
The 2024 election cycle is that we get October surprises every day of every month of the year
Looks like they just managed to shoot his toupee off
I don’t think I can handle…all of this…for the next four months. I just can’t.
Here’s the thing. The D4 model is “make a new seasonal character every three months”. I don’t want to keep making new characters. I want to stick with one or two characters I really like. I have yet to even reach a max level character because by the time I get close it’s a new season. Finally bailed
I know exactly what you mean. Anyway have you ever heard the sad tragedy of Darth Plagueis?
I thought the exact same thing. Like “ok now this song is gonna ROCK”. Then she blows herself up and keeps singing through it
Do what you need to do, and take care of yourself. And know you’ll be missed.
Up to two full “almost passed out and need to be picked up by my wife” panic attacks a week now. Cool. Cool cool cool.