
U.S. labor law is essentially non-existent. You can fire anyone at any time under just about any circumstances. It’s called at-will employment and it’s truly a nightmare.
I feel like US society and politics would be transformed if you could magically create widespread awareness in the population of how things work in comparable wealthy nations throughout Europe, or Canada and Australia.
Ha! In 2017, Boeing had opened a plant to S. Carolina, and when the Seattle machinists contract was coming up, they said, we gotta help our non-union brothers and sisters in SC get the benefit. So they launched a union vote in SC. Seattle-area machinists make *good* money, and the SC shop...
... would have gotten the same pay, which would have gone so much furthwry in SC. The *workers* voted it down. Voted down the pay, the protections, the benefits, all of it. 🤷‍♀️
Wouldn't the US response mostly be 'Hey, those guys have really got it wrong'?