
I encourage other working comics people to partner with a local shop or library and set up your own office hours. It doesn't have to be a big commitment. Just a couple hours a month can do a LOT to build community and nurture emerging talents. I've been at it for 2½ years. Any questions? Ask!
So you just say you'll be there, and people show up? Do you have to plan activities, or do you just hang out and draw? How do people find out about it?
It's all critiques. People bring 6-8 pages and we go over them. Is the storytelling clear? Are characters distinct? Sometimes we talk basic craft, sometimes expressive art. I try to tailor advice to their goals, & find ways to work with their approach rather than steering them towards my own style.
Avatar As for how they find out about it, the store where we hold it mentions it on their mailing list and IG. I post all over social media every month. Attendees tell other artists they know. Some teachers at PSU and PNCA tell their comics students about it. Word gets around!
I've considered making the Washington version! I've never thought I had the reach to do so though. Maybe this Summer I can get something going with a local shop :)
Go for it! The worst that could happen is no one shows up that day and you spend some time browsing the shelves. For what it's worth, many of the artists I've spoken to had no idea who I am or what I've worked on. They just wanted feedback from someone who would pay close attention to their work.
This is true! Might be worth striking up.
Woah woah woah - what? This is a thing you can ask to do?! How did you go about approaching the librarians with this?
I do it at a local comic shop, but it's easy to set up a similar program at a public library or community center. Most libraries have a meeting room you can book.
Mind blown. Never even considered doing something like this!
I've been doing portfolio reviews in artist alley since the 90s, but loud, busy, cons aren't always the best environment. And I hate to think of tuition costs keeping a serious student from getting the sort of feedback that helped me when I was starting out. This seemed like a good solution!
So people can make an appointment and ask questions to you about comic creation and stuff?
No advance appointment needed. I'm at Books w/Pictures in Portland in person on the 1st Friday of the month, 4-6 PM. People show up and sign in. Everyone sits at a table so they can benefit from other crits. I focus on portfolio critiques because that's where I've got the most to offer, but I (cont)
…always wind up answering questions about the biz along w/ the art and the craft of making comics. does similar sessions for writers, also at My goal is to offer artists some college-level feedback, but w/out the burden of grades or student loans.
This is such a cool thing for you to do, Steve!
That’s awesome! If I lived closer I would definitely attend!
There might be a page for booking on your library's website.
Wait this is a great idea! I’d love to do this.
Like, schedule with the shop owner a time period you can just chill and work in their store? I have thought about that with the new local bookstore but worried I would be weird camping out with my laptop.
Thanks for asking! What I’m talking about is this:
PORTLAND, Oregon: Want pro feedback on your comics? My monthly Office Hours session at Books with Pictures (1401 SE Division) is THIS FRIDAY, May 3rd. Bring 6-8 pages of comics storytelling. I'll give you honest feedback based on my 30+ years in comics. Details in the thread below:
Oh cool! Thank you for explaining.