
If he wins in November, one thing we can be certain Trump will do with his newly granted powers is cancel the 2028 election.
I'm seriously afraid of that.
I don’t think he’ll cancel. He’ll just imprison any state-level SoS that might certify any winner other than himself.
Depends on how committed the 2nd Trump regime would be to maintaining the fiction of democracy. My intuition is that Trump won't deny himself any opportunity to lord it over his enemies, so it'll be hard to restrain him from any authoritarian demonstration.
He’s a narcissist. The possibility of an “election” where he gets 95% of the vote will be irresistable.
I expected that something would be fabricated to declare martial law and an indefinite election suspension, but SCOTUS just made it so much easier.
Never really believed that Trump would cancel an election, because a) holding his rallies is obv biggest thrill he's ever had; b) no election means he can't brag about beating someone. I think Trump will run for a third term, and declare himself the winner as soon as the East Coast polls close.