
Nations with “fully functioning democracy” beginning with. Of course France is in the “fully functioning” group at 23, so maybe not. US at 29: “flawed democracy”
that would look wildly different if it took into account new zealand's election late last year where 2 minority parties with about 20% of the vote took control of the government.
Avatar coalition with a party that got 38% of the vote. Now you could of course argue that the coalition agreement gave away a lot to those minor parties. But the Prime Minister and most of the cabinet are from the larger National Party
And the national party has rolled over and with a few exceptions, given those minor, extremist parties, everything they've asked for.
My younger brother is currently in Switzerland (#8). My daughter is traveling to New Zealand on July 4 (#2). I am traveling to Sweden on July 7 (#4). I must honestly say it will be a welcome break. [You're welcome to come visit. Sweden has beautiful hiking].
Sounds like you’ve got the scouts out. Hoping to get up to the Sierra for a week later in the summer. Maybe next year, Sweden!