
Sharp spike in COVID-19 in Bay Area wastewater - some of the highest levels of the whole pandemic. When people say "but COVID is over," they're wrong. Mask up in indoor spaces and get your boosters if you haven't.
COVID Is Still Rising Again in Bay Area Wastewater. Why? | How a summer uptick in COVID-19 numbers may have already started early in the Bay — and what to know about COVID-19 symptoms, testing, incubation and isolation guidance in 2024.
Also be aware it can look like a stomach bug now: "They can also include gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, which Chin-Hong told the New York Times can often confuse people experiencing them, who initially assume they have a condition like norovirus rather than COVID-19."
Yup. My friend who keeps getting covid from her grandkids is now dealing with GI symptoms. She already has long covid brain fog and smells smoke all the time.
Yup. My kid had a bad stomachache, no fever or any respiratory issues, back in September. On a whim, I tested her. Fasted positive result I’ve ever seen; red line the moment the strip soaked up the solution
Currently on the tail end of a batch that has run thru the facility where i work. Within a week after inital known exposure, everyone has tested +. I was double masked, ppe to the max, 6 vaxxes and still caught it. But no respiratory issues for me.
I'm upset that I am not able to get a booster because I'm not over 65 or immune compromised... fortunately my partner was able to get his though. I know two people who gotten it in the past several days....
Are you in the US? Just walk into a Target/Walmart/Walgreens pharmacy, tell them you're uninsured and immune compromised and they have to let you get a vaccine at no charge. No proof required. No ID required. This program is good thru August this year.
Yep, you can also schedule it online with CVS and just say you're immunocompromised, no verification required.
My husband & I got a booster today b/c we're going to a wedding soon. I know I saw that you are supposed to get one if it's been more than 6 months since the last one. The clinic at Kroger said we didn't need one. We insisted, so the nurse agreed to do it. We need better communication about this.
Thank you for offering a sensible explanation and solid advice rather than feigning “why’s this happening” as if we don’t all know! Anyone reading this who is in San Francisco & needs free K/N95s, please request from Mask Bloc Sunset SF. We deliver! 😷🤝🫡
Damn. Testing again tomorrow. All recent tests negative. Sometimes my usual chronic symptoms resemble covid symptoms so I am extra cautious.
Ontario is going with the "stop the count" approach.
I'm getting push back on my booster.
Had it before any vaccine was available (May of 2020). My lungs are permanently damaged, but look. I’m alive and forever grateful. However… I’m boosting and masking forever.