
1. This, from a former Biden staffer, just shows that some people haven’t learned any lessons from the last eight years. It’s also an insult to the many people earnestly expressing concern about Biden’s candidacy.
There is no way all Dems coalesce behind a single new candidate with four months to go. Not Harris, not anybody. No way.
They had four years to do that. And better do it now than tomorrow.
History disagrees with you 100%.
Sure. Better ask people to vote for a guy with a foot in the grave and mush for brain, a great alternative to the guy with a foot in the grave and mush for brain.
I'm just saying that no American party has ever replaced its incumbent and won.
Having no historical presidence in a baby nation like America is not saying alot, and even less in unprecedented times such as these
The US as a surprisingly long institutional continuity compared to most countries, as an example the actual form of the French 5th republic date back from 1946.