
1. This, from a former Biden staffer, just shows that some people havenā€™t learned any lessons from the last eight years. Itā€™s also an insult to the many people earnestly expressing concern about Bidenā€™s candidacy.
2. (And I am well aware of attempts by foreign adversaries to sow discord. Thatā€™s not what heā€™s saying here. Heā€™s trying to act like thereā€™s no issue and itā€™s only a creation of the Russian Federation.)
Well the Russians have succeeded, havenā€™t they. Nothing is True and Everything is Possible. Pomorantsev was so prescient.
I'm not saying he's right, but this is a key feature of influence campaigns. You don't bother if there's not already fertile ground.
There is no way all Dems coalesce behind a single new candidate with four months to go. Not Harris, not anybody. No way.
They had four years to do that. And better do it now than tomorrow.
History disagrees with you 100%.
Sure. Better ask people to vote for a guy with a foot in the grave and mush for brain, a great alternative to the guy with a foot in the grave and mush for brain.
I'm just saying that no American party has ever replaced its incumbent and won.
Having no historical presidence in a baby nation like America is not saying alot, and even less in unprecedented times such as these
Amazing that other countries have their entire election cycle in half that time and somehow they work out okay The American election cycle is just one long grifting campaign with nothing changing and nothing improving. And then it starts all over again!
I've had a stutter and a stammer and worse my entire life and I want you to stop using my speech disability to defend someone who by his own staff's admission can only reliably respond to questions from 10AM-4PM every day
It's an insult to the hard work of A.G Sulzberger's NYT, is what it is!
Do you think the leadership of Russia has a preference between Biden and Trump? If so, do you think they will just kinda sit there and be like "whatever the American people decide, we're good we're that"?
Oh god, are you one of those "Russia has done nothing wrong, they were provoked by NATO, all those dead Ukrainians are just western propaganda" people? If so, blink twice, and we'll have some spooks scoop you up post haste for deprogramming and reintegration into polite society
No? Iā€™m saying that assuming every criticism/concern about Biden is directly from Russia is both ridiculous and counterproductive.
Do you believe our elections are insecure then, even with overwhelming evidence proving so? And, Do you agree with American interference in foreign elections?
i would say the person who hasn't learned any lessons in the last 8 years here is Biden's staffer
He is right on. Whats your agenda????