Sticky Doodler

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Sticky Doodler

I design tabletop games that bring families together through creativity and imagination. 爸爸 to Big Sticky and Li'l Doodler. He/Him/他
I'm afraid that, working on new collaborative color by number pictures, I decided to embrace cubism and came up with this monstrosity of an underwater scene. The mermaid is half flounder, of course.
I'm impressed by how our collaborative, color-by-number game can be as chill or as tense as the players want it to be. Left: spouses with different visions find common ground. Right: strategy gamers turn the page into an area control puzzle. Both from Saturday's in Frederick MD
Are subjective game objectives an oxymoron? Joe and I have been exploring variations on "make a pretty picture" as the goal of our coloring book game. Do these pictures look like winners?
WIP: a solitaire journaling game using cards from Wingspan.
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2. Knitting Circle by Emily Vincent. A cozy, puzzly game about collecting yarn from the central basket and knitting it into garments while trying to get your color combinations and patterns just right. I playtested this one and loved it.
Are subjective game objectives an oxymoron? Joe and I have been exploring variations on "make a pretty picture" as the goal of our coloring book game. Do these pictures look like winners?
For my entry to the "Say Hi to a Bird" lyric game jam, I'm trying to make something about gratitude. I'm resisting the urge to call it, "The Wind Beneath My Wingspan."
I honestly don't know if this is something
I bounced off games in the last coupla weeks because I just didn't click with their rhetoric (among other reasons). "Stuff of Legends" had a tedious amount of voting, but I also found the premise of betraying a small boy unpleasant. I'm sure we played ARCS "wrong," but taking prisoners and, in one
If you were waiting for the perfect moment to create that lyric game based on Wingspan, this is it!
The 'Say Hi to a Bird Jam' is live! 🦆 Join us for an explosion of lyric games on themes of: - saying hi to birds - something about building relationships with birds - is written by or with birds - flight, migration, nests, feathers, eggs, etc More info on the jam page! 🕊️ 🐣
Say hi to a bird A game jam from 2024-06-30 to 2024-07-31 hosted by breathingstories. Hello hello! I'm Logan Timmins, coming to you from Wurundjeri Country, and I love lyric games. What I love about lyric games is tha...
Incredible family 🎲✂️ opportunity for lucky folx near London!
London gamers! Looking for something to do with the kids in the holidays? Teach them to make games! I'm running the Family Game Design Masterclass on 20 August, at Badger Badger in Deptford (two stops from London Bridge) and tickets are on sale now!
Badger Schedule your appointment online Badger Badger
I've gotten feedback that BeTween is a "dad game," and I'm not sure how to take it. I would like it to be a game for moms, and for dads, and for other adults with kids in their lives. What makes a game "for dads" or "for moms," vs "for parents and caregivers?"
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The 'Say Hi to a Bird Jam' is live! 🦆 Join us for an explosion of lyric games on themes of: - saying hi to birds - something about building relationships with birds - is written by or with birds - flight, migration, nests, feathers, eggs, etc More info on the jam page! 🕊️ 🐣
Say hi to a bird A game jam from 2024-06-30 to 2024-07-31 hosted by breathingstories. Hello hello! I'm Logan Timmins, coming to you from Wurundjeri Country, and I love lyric games. What I love about lyric games is tha...
I just backed this game on Kickstarter! I'm so pleased to support both the Bodhana Group's efforts to expand the use of tabletop games in therapy, and a legitimately great game. I had the chance to play it with one of its co-designers last fall and enjoyed its genre-jumping multiverse premise.
Today's review is for Branch Riders, a TTRPG from The Bodhana Group that's currently in crowdfunding! From multiverse shenanigans to easy to track conditions to group accountability tools, there are many cool features to check out.
Review of The Bodhana Group’s Branch Riders! –
"Say hi to a bird" game jam is LIVE! Want a safe, supportive space to make a lyric game? Dream of making a game about birds? This is it! No judging, no grades, just let your game design soul fly free! Thanks for organizing us!
Say hi to a bird A game jam from 2024-06-30 to 2024-07-31 hosted by breathingstories. Hello hello! I'm Logan Timmins, coming to you from Wurundjeri Country, and I love lyric games. What I love about lyric games is tha...
Despite a bad dice hand, Big Sticky and I did not crash the plane in our first landing at Montreal! (Game on loan from a gaming buddy, isn't that the best way to experience all the games?)
I'm really excited by the ideas Joe Kell & I are working on for this contest. I got one 🎲✂️ prototype to the table twice already: a color-by-numbers with a cool crayon selection mechanic. It already feels close to what we want: chill, but with real aesthetic and tactical choices.
We are excited to announce the Coloring Book Game Contest at The Game Crafter! Create a game that’s both engaging and interactive, with coloring as a core element. Full details at #GameDesign #BoardGameDesign #boardgames #tabletopgames #gamedesigner
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Does anybody know about ttrpgs that have to do with pregnancy and/or birth? I tried a google search and search on itch's physical games and got shockingly few results. Like, practically zero. Can't tell if it's just janky search engines, or truly such an unexplored topic in ttrpgs.
As a child of immigrants to the USA, I worked real hard to not stick out, pushing away my Chinese heritage. Maybe that's why I knew nothing about hopping vampires, or "Jiangshi," until I got this TTRPG. (Or maybe it's because my dad is an atheist/rationalist who hated folklore)
You can also tell your non-Asian friends! While and I wrote Jiangshi as our love letter to the Chinese diaspora, it has resonated with many gamers from other cultures. It’s a game that focuses on family and survival in the face of culture clash and oppression.
A lot of do-gooders approach change as shoving ideas into people's heads. That's disempowering -- and ineffective. Media - books, films, ads, games - effect change when they affect your feelings.
7+. One game caused an explosion of excitement when you won. That one was the one that moved behavior.
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9. 80% of mass market game purchases are made by moms. What's on the shelf that appeals to her when she's shopping in a hurry? Can she instantly understand it from what's on the box?
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5. I sat down and played this in the G4C arcade and WOW. It's an immersive animated movie tackling a taboo subject. A little light on gameplay but an impactful experience nonetheless. I had only spent a few minutes with a VR headset before, and this made me want more.
I wrote my undergrad thesis on democratic representation in Boston's 1997 Chinatown. Business interests and professional organizers had different views on what was good for the neighborhood. But what about residents?'s game examines this 3-way split in NYC's 1982 Chinatown.'s game about the 1982 ILGWU strike in NYC's Chinatown reflects the nuances of a real community where people's interests are never as simple as just "capital" and "labor." Even at this early stage, it posits complex, divided loyalties... (1/2) Origins Unpub
🎲✂️ Lesson of the Day: If you're gonna make up a game, you might as well make up words, too. Or: sometimes made-up words make more sense than real words, in the right context.
As most of Lily Hop🐸playtesting is wrapping up, I've had to contend with an interesting issue that I've finally solved thanks to creating a word that doesn't exist but makes such functional and intuitive sense, when heard, that no one questions it. A kinda/sorta game design🧵:
I want games that make me FEEL something. Supposedly that's the specialty of books and film. But I believe there's a different, maybe deeper, feeling that emerges from actively playing a game than from watching a show. I hope to keep playing, and making, games full of heart. 💗
4)’s Be Tween is a storytelling game of Inside Out with tough growing-up decisions. I nearly Dad-cried in the rules explanation, then role played as Wren immediately. Can’t wait to try this again.
As an unpublished designer, I feel a unique thrill when people remember my games. At Origins, a fellow Unpub designer* called me over to say that he still thinks about the Bonsai Diary. Here's the writeup from a year ago: (1/3)
Driving back from Origins, my buddy shared how he bought two wargames from Hollandspiele about 12 years ago, soon after his first kid was born. He realized he couldn't afford them and emailed to cancel the order. sent him the two games anyway. He's never forgotten that kindness.
I'm always so grateful for how uplifts the design community. At Origins she visited table after table at Unpub to play games at all stages of development. Imagine Scorsese participating in a public screenplay workshop. Add a heaping spoonful of validation and kindness, and
I have been receiving a lot of insults this evening at Origins. your deception shall rebound upon you!
Unpub creates a magic circle where creativity thrives. The magic: kindness and generosity!,, and many others create a culture where everyone is welcome and lifted up. Thank you,; you are creating a better tomorrow for board games 🎲✂️
Avatar's game about the 1982 ILGWU strike in NYC's Chinatown reflects the nuances of a real community where people's interests are never as simple as just "capital" and "labor." Even at this early stage, it posits complex, divided loyalties... (1/2) Origins Unpub
If you're at #OriginsGameFair and you haven't crossed Artist's Alley, you're missing out on amazing games! Come check out Pirates of the High Teas from and Chicken Fried Dice from Ashwin Kamath among other fresh indie titles!