
'LLMs to send birthday messages' is the latest fascinating example of 'a thing that is useful for governments and organisations being weirdly packaged as useful for households'.
It's execs designing products for people like themselves. I work in the industry and see it happen over and over again.
Indeed. I wish they'd design a thing that talked to my friends' calendars for me and spat out dates for us to discuss, which would also be useful to the execs.
I was attending AI conferences with papers promising this over 25 years ago... 'AI agents' was the AI hot topic of the time. But instead of a global bubble we had just one or two AI companies getting super overinflated and imploding.
I think the LLMs may be a breakthrough tech now for that.
AI has been able to do scheduling pretty well for decades. Other than more confidently giving answers that may or may not be correct, while using lots more energy, I'm not sure how LLMs can solve this class of problem any better. The only difference is people being more willing to share data.