
I've been writing out of order a lot lately. Do you ever write scenes not in chronological order? #amwriting #writingcommunity
I've tried it a couple of times, but I find it interrupted my flow for my main WIP. I wonder if it's a project specific thing? Have you been writing out of order over a ranger of things or just a recent project?
I do it basically just whenever I've got a specific scene in my head that happens to occur much later than my current progress spot. I also will occasionally write a partial scene that occurs later on, because I want to write out a key event or reveal or something that I'm building up to.
I'll often rewrite that scene when I actually get to it in the chronology, but writing a it ahead of time sometimes helps me to see where I'm headed with my current scene.
Oh that makes sense! I have had the issue of getting to a reveal, realising it's different to how I imagined, then have to change previous chapters 😅 I'll give this a go on my next project!
I never plan to write ahead or out of order, but I usually wind up doing so a little bit now and then, for the reasons I mentioned. Writing a later scene can also help me get out of a slump if I'm stuck with what I'm currently writing.