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thedanlines.co.uk || Just another writer wading through the WIPs || #writing
#WritingCommunity describe your book poorly. Downdraft: An old lady recounts her life to a poor journalist, who ends up writing about 80k words
#WritingCommunity describe your book poorly. Infernulls: Blue lady harasses adventurers just trying to do their best.
That's one editing pass of this chapter complete - though I think it'll need a few more until I'm satisfied... But for now, time to procrastinate here for a bit #WritingCommunity #Booksky #Author #Fantasy
Work finally done - time to get into some editing! Tonight, it's tackling the things I didn't want to look at yesterday... Here's hoping it goes better 😅 #WritingCommunity #Author #Fantasy #BookSky
Can't say I was feeling the editing buzz today, but I at least made some progress. Though I've put off some big edits until tomorrow... Hope everyone else is making better progress! #WritingCommunity #Fantasy #Booksky #Author
I didn't even realise when I started writing, but today is Day 300 of my writing streak! At least 15 minutes a day for 300 days. At least 4500 minutes spent working on Downdraft (probably much more!) Onwards to one year! #WritingCommunity #Fantasy #AmWriting #Booksky
Procrastinated from writing by submitting a short story to a few places, now I want to procrastinate from submitting by writing. If it works it works I guess? #WritingCommunity #Fantasy #ShortStory #BookSky
Settling in for what I hope will be a big editing session - the goal is to finish applying changes to Chapter 17. Some small adjustments, some rewrites, we'll see how it goes! Anyone else writing/editing this evening? Any goals for tonight/the week? #WritingCommunity #Booksky #Fantasy #Editing
Reposted byAvatar Dan
I don't post enough on here, but I'd really like it to be my main account. Can people recommend some good accounts to follow? Or even better share mine? I'd love to find some new readers through here. #Author #WritingCommunity
Back into more edits today! I think this was my favourite chapter (17) to write since it has a unique structure, and it's proving fun to edit too. Though past me was a fiend for spelling mistakes... #WritingCommunity #Fantasy #Editing #Booksky
⚠️Scam Alert⚠️ #WritingCommunity #Author #Publishing #BookSky I've been contacted by two Bsky accounts running a scam targeted at unpublished authors. They were posing as published authors, and after some stilted (possibly AI) conversation, they eventually recommend editing services they... (1/2)
Two rejections came through for short story queries yesterday, so three more went out. Determined to get this one out there! #WritingCommunity #Fantasy #AmQuerying #ShortStory
Back to editing - using this process for each chapter now... 1.) Fast readthrough - broad notes. 2.) Slow readthrough - specific notes. 3.) Implement all changes, largest first. 4.) Final readthrough! It's made the editing slightly less daunting! #WritingCommunity #Editing #Booksky #Fantasy
It's been a busy weekend, but time to get back into the writing groove! Goals for this week are to finish edits on the next two chapters of Downdraft, which will take me nicely to the end of Part 4. Anyone else got any goals this week? #WritingCommunity #Editing #Fantasy #Booksky
I've just found out that my new work office is literally within sight of a bookstore. This is going to get expensive quickly... #WritingCommunity #Booksky #Reading 💙📚
Chapter 14 edits complete! Making good progress, it feels like editing is easier now that I've reached the point that was completely rewritten. Hope everyone else's editing is going well! #WritingCommunity #Fantasy #Editing #Booksky
I've been quite lucky with finding orchids during work recently - here's a group of common spotted orchids at today's site! These are the most common UK orchid. They favour woodland, but can pop up in unexpected places - these were found on quite a disturbed road verge! #nature #flowers #wildlife
I slakced off a little over the weekend by doing things that weren't writing, so time to get back to it! Back into the editing trenches we go... Anyone else trucking away this evening? #WritingCommunity #Booksky #Fantasy #Author
'A Visitor IV' edits are finally done, though they put up a hell of a fight. Realised I'd kept a few lines from a previous draft, which meant I had to rewrite an entire dialogue scene... Still, making progress! Getting into the exciting bits now! #WritingCommunity #Editing #Fantasy #Author
Another editing sprint done! Making good progress through A Visitor IV, one of my interlude chapters. Should have it completed tomorrow. Then we're well past the halfway point! Anyone else make any progress today? #WritingCommunity #Booksky #Author #Fantasy
I find it difficult to answer 'what's your favourite book'. I have books I've enjoyed in the past or books I've enjoyed recently, but find it difficult to choose one as my favourite. Especially now as I tend to analyse them more! Does anyone else find this? #WritingCommunity #Booksky #Author
Last day (excluding travel) of holiday today, so time to get some writing/editing done! Goals are to finish edits on Chapter 13 and then starting leaving comments on the following interlude chaper. Anyone else writing today? What are you working on? #WritingCcommunity #AmWriting #Booksky #Editing
Reposted byAvatar Dan
This is the ideal writing process. You may not want to hear it, but this is what peak performance looks like. *just a photo of me aggressively cleaning my house with an idle laptop gone to screensaver in the background*
Well, not much writing got done today, but I did spend four hours finishing a book (Use of Weapons by Iain M Banks). Came out with that nice feeling of disassociation from reality. I really should have more long reading sessions... #WritingCommunity #Booksky #Reading #SciFi
Reposted byAvatar Dan
Hi #writers I’m new to Bluesky. I write #horror and #scifi, often together, and the pitch for my current #wip is: sent out on a seeding mission to Mars, a janitor soon finds out that not everything is as it seems, including themselves. I also work as a space engineer and can talk to that soon
And that's Chapter 12 edits done! Took longer than I would have liked because of some pretty hefty rewrites, but it's definitely better for it. How's everyone else's writing going this week? Any milestones? #WritingCommunity #Editing #Fantasy #Booksky #Author
Pretty slow writing day yesterday, just focused on small edits rather than rewriting sections. Got more time today, so hoping for some bigger changes! There are character interactions to fix... #WritingCommunity #Booksky #Fantasy #Editing
Here's my writing/reading space for the next week and a bit - actually excited to sit down and get some editing done now! #WritingCommunity #Author #Booksky #Fantasy
Reposted byAvatar Dan
I never plan to write ahead or out of order, but I usually wind up doing so a little bit now and then, for the reasons I mentioned. Writing a later scene can also help me get out of a slump if I'm stuck with what I'm currently writing.
Off on holiday today! Hoping to get some writing done on the plane, but we'll see how much room I have after folding myself into a seat #WritingCommunity #Author #AmWriting
A quick break from house DIY to get some writing in - hoping to leave comments on the next chapter ready for tomorrow! Wishing everyone luck with their goals today! #WritingCommunity #Booksky #Author #Editing #Fantasy