
The fact that I know more about Joe Biden’s one bad debate night than I do about Donald Trump’s years of raping and sexually assaulting girls within Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex trafficking ring shows exactly what is terribly wrong with today’s political mainstream media.
Yes! “Replace Biden” is a catastrophic political miscalculation. Are Black voters screaming this? No. This is whiteness culture perfectionism playing out, yet again. Self reflect white Dems. Get your heads on right. Trump has always feared Biden. He still does. #BlueWave2024
Im not going to call anyone out, but I am seeing a lot of posts stating how the SCOTUS is targeting this group or that group now and I’m like “f****** hello”, sincerely Black people, NA’s and Latin x people darker than mocha. Like how is this a surprise?!
Nothing seems to excite the political media more than getting out all their Dems In Disarray! toys.
It’s almost like the media planned this all along. Their message of Biden bad, Trump misunderstood is pretty clear these days.
This is absolutely perfect....oh, what and old man Biden is. Trump raping 12, 13 year old girls..hitting them, refusing to wear protection and then telling them to "get a fucking abortion if he got them pregnant." Yes, maybe the court docs should have been brought forth to the public!! 2016!
If MAGA supporters insist on voting for Trump despite this revelation, then they are beyond salvation.
Counterpoint: If I go to a restaurant and see a cockroach, I'm not going to say, "This is the one cockroach in this place." I'm going to say, "This place is infested." Donald Trump is still a bad man in so many dimensions.
If I go to a restaurant and see a cockroach and then I look across the street at another restaurant and see a swarm of cockroaches plus rats plus hornets plus mildew, I am more alarmed by the one across the street!
Yes. Vote for the decrepit octogenarian, it's important.
I had a different old person I wanted to vote for but of the two choice available there is one who is clearly better.
Yes. Biden is clearly better than Trump. Perhaps not the best person in the whole USA to be president, but Biden is the best of those currently on offer.
…what’s terrible wrong with the society accepting this.