
Evelyn Douek
Evelyn Douek
Assistant Professor, Stanford Law School. Aussie struggling with °F & online speech stuff.
Deeva Shah
Deeva Shah
Sometimes an attorney, sometimes a knitter, always hungry.
Mary Dudziak
Mary Dudziak
Law, history, politics. Latest book: Making the Forever War: Marilyn Young on the Culture and Politics of American Militarism.
Attorney | 1st gen 🇵🇪 |tweeting largely in hyperbole | beautiful sentence artisan | clearly not giving legal advice | views are my own and not that of my employer
Steven Mazie
Steven Mazie
SCOTUS correspondent for The Economist. Political studies prof at Bard Early Colleges. Brooklynite, dad of three, runner.
Renee Knake Jefferson
Renee Knake Jefferson
Doherty Chair in Legal Ethics at the University of Houston | writing at | author of Law Democratized: A Blueprint for Solving the Justice Crisis (NYU Press) hits the shelves January 2024
Karin Wulf
Karin Wulf
Historian of #VastEarlyAmerica | Director & Librarian @ JCBLibrary | History Prof @ Brown

#LineageTheBook OUP 2024 | Yes I’m over there, and there, not there but there — and also @
Kate Masur
Kate Masur
Made it over here! What do we do now?
Melissa Stewart
Melissa Stewart
Civil Rights Lawyer | Drag is not a crime | 🏳‍🌈 | [email protected]
Dan Pfeiffer
Dan Pfeiffer
Pod Save America, Obama White House, Message Box, and some books
Jon Lovett
Jon Lovett
Pod Save America, Lovett or Leave It, Vote Save America, Crooked Media, mostly water.
Jon Favreau
Jon Favreau
The Other One. Crooked Media, Pod Save America, Obama alum.
Melissa Murray
Melissa Murray
Kate Shaw
Kate Shaw
Law prof @Penn, cohost Strict Scrutiny podcast
Leah Litman
Leah Litman
Michigan Law Prof. (constitutional law & federal courts)
Co-host, Strict Scrutiny Podcast (SCOTUS - Crooked Media)
❤️: my dog, Taylor Swift, reality TV
End of list.