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Attorney | 1st gen 🇵🇪 |tweeting largely in hyperbole | beautiful sentence artisan | clearly not giving legal advice | views are my own and not that of my employer
“So you’re in the room where the US constitution is being written, what do you warn them about before the ink dries?” Oof… how long do I have?
Supreme Court rules that states have no power to stop me from eating dessert first
Get in loser, it’s 70 degrees in Brooklyn and we’re listening to “All For you” on max
Avatar The dual edge for people with disabilities - to be “truly disabled” or worthy of accommodations you must barely eke by or do worse than others. If you succeed you must not really be disabled.
Wind gusts in newark are giving “Earth Song”
Oh no it’s time for the bread and milk again
If they are The Destiny’s Child of Law Professors … who’s Beyoncé
We wanted to ring in the new year right, so we asked Jonathan Van Ness @jvn @CuriouswithJVN to help us come up with some New Year’s resolutions for the Justices. We hope you enjoy!
Thanks to and this weeks Amicus for being the quimbee-esque-appetizer-to-the-main course that is this 200 pg opinion
Reading the CO opinion b/c apparently I’m on this week for cold calling
Reading the CO opinion b/c apparently I’m on this week for cold calling
*every legal issue existing* No one: My family: “Hey Tina what do you think…”
Spotify Wrapped but make it Westlaw
NEW: We preview this week's cases (focusing on the deregulatory shit show, SEC v. Jarkesy), discuss the Eighth Circuit's effort to kneecap the Voting Rights Act, briefly discuss briefing in Moore (the wealth tax case) & talk ethics reform w/!
A Deregulatory Sh*t Show Waiting to Happen | Crooked
here’s an advance copy of the ethics code
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court says it's adopting an ethics code as the justices face criticism over undisclosed travel and gifts.
just a miserable way to live but it’s the life I love
NYC metro area - where 10 miles takes an hour
Now that I think about it, turkey legs at the Renaissance fair is really ahistorical how dedicated they are to the theme.
The power you feel clicking the “insert table of authorities” button
So proud my cat Socks got the @StrictScrutiny_ shout out on this weeks episode by Prof Murray. Little man is chuffed; look how happy he is.
I wish we could have an international day of mourning for every life lost. An acknowledgement that we all suffer when anyone suffers and that we cannot be free when someone else is not, and that every life, regardless of whose, is precious. And worthy of our weeping.
I walked by a monument to COVID health care workers on the Hudson River a few weeks ago and realized, "wow, a million people died and nobody even stopped to mourn it." It was the first time I saw any monument to COVID deaths because we've politicized a million dead people. It's been 3+ years.
I wish we could have an international day of mourning for every life lost. An acknowledgement that we all suffer when anyone suffers and that we cannot be free when someone else is not, and that every life, regardless of whose, is precious. And worthy of our weeping.
Toyota Tercel
welp, it's lunch time Please reply with a car you think should be resurrected as an EV. The crazier the better.
That saying “herding cats” makes no sense I mean how could that even h-
Avatar on this weeks amicus: having your high blood pressure lower immediately just by listening to Elizabeth Warren explain things
If you think you know better than Apple Maps when navigating NYC public transit, you almost certainly do not
“Reports of section 3’s demise is greatly exaggerated.” Iconic.
New from and myself on the rush to have the Roberts Court interpret §3 of the 14A for us.
My favorite part of law is getting to be like “that case/statute/reg doesn’t mean what you think it means”
Having cats is like living with the seagulls from Finding Nemo
One of greatest tragedies is bad pizza
Thoughts and prayers to the 1Ls trying not to crack up in conlaw tomorrow