
14.06.2017 Grenfell Tower I remember passing the tower on the tube, a few days after the fire and the whole carriage gasping out loud. A monument to greed and political incompetence. My 72 neighbours. Never forget.
No one has still been held accountable, or seen time for this absolute disgrace. I hope the families can one day get the justice they deserve.
All I can think about is how long Hillsborough, the toxic blood and the Post Office enquiries took/ are taking. I believe there are still buildings in the uk with the same deadly cladding 7 years on.
That’s not surprising, it could happen again at any one of them. It’s definitely this centuries Hillsborough and again a Tory government doesn’t give a flying toss about the suffering of the people who are still grieving.
Despite the awful teresa may's personal assurances too.
You are right. The flats are everywhere. I live in a flat with cladding, they’re supposed to be starting work this summer 🤷‍♀️
I was once asked by a German tourist why all the dangerous cladding hadn't been removed. In Germany there was one fire and all that cladding was removed apparently. Same in France I think. Good luck.
Wow! That’s brilliant. I wish it was the same here. Here there’s just lots of buck passing, legal wrangling and slopey shoulders. Some people have to pay hundreds each month for a waking watch. I am lucky not to have to do that. Small blessings.
Only if they become vigilantes.
Yeah. I worked in a block two streets over (the Yellow Building). Will never forget that day.
My kids used to swim in the pool next door. I have never seen anything like the devastation there before or since. Those 72 victims were as good as murdered by the Tory council.
I got the train past it a month later. A graveyard in the sky.
The first time I drove past it on the Westway after the fire I burst into tears. Horror.
I was working in the social housing sector at the time - it left me completely disillusioned with it - from the housing association bosses worried about the cost of fixing the cladding to colleagues using Grenfell to further their careers while the number of deaths was still going up
Still shamefully kicked into the long grass.
I just remember watching it and thinking there was no way it was 72 people who passed away. 72 was the official number, but the amount of people that came out to help over the coming days to find no one *to* help was gut wrenching. Seeing it IRL was breathtaking. Just horrible.
I believe a number of firefighters have suffered fatal respiratory problems too.
Yes, I believe you are correct, unfortunately. Similar to the 9/11 firefighters. All the carcinogens and toxic air in the emergency response
I was in NYC a few weeks after 9/11 and the smell of burnt plastic hung in the air, despite trucks trying to hose down the streets.
Oh no. That’s horrid. You can’t help but associate the smell with the event.
I lived just up the road in Kensal Rise at the time, 15 mins walk away from the tower. What a terrible day. The people who lived there deserved so much better.
I remember the first time I saw it in reality - 11am, Sunday 9th July from a coach driving into London. it was - and remains - a horrifying sight. It shocks still. Always will. Never forget.