
My mom literally barely makes ends meet every month because she has MS and only gets disability and even SHE'S doing more than some of yall. It's unbelievably shameful
Got my mom to donate to + for my birthday instead of buying me anything bc when I told her about their accounts being labeled as spam she was legitimately heartbroken on their behalf + wanted to know what she could do
May God heal your mother.. Sending her my love, greetings and thanks 🙏🫂💞💞
A friend of mine had MS and I know that it's a terrible disease. 💔 Incredible, your mom is awesome
honestly my ma is 100% the reason im Like This bc once when i was 10ish some guy behind her at the store was like "come on cripple, can you move any faster?" and she just. turned around and SLAMMED the dude to the floor w her walker, said smth like "who's the cripple now, huh?" and just. walked away
I'd get on with your mom like a house on fire. She's a homegirl
HONESTLY yeah like fr shes...not one to let a fucked up situation be if she has any say in it. i could probs list easily like 10 situations off the top of my head where shes seen something fucked up and responded in a way more than a few ppl have called "extreme", "scary", or "potentially illegal"
Someone once taught me that if you see something wrong and you keep quiet you might as well have done it yourself. Imo she does things the correct way. Those who followed the rules put people in camps etc. Rules are overrated