Iman 🏞➑️🌊 πŸ‰πŸ•Š

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Iman 🏞➑️🌊 πŸ‰πŸ•Š

From an ex-colonised country. Free Palestine. Defender of the people who wear sweatpants. Critiquing the tech space. Follow at your own risk and peril.

The fact that the US is actively pretending that the Israeli government has accepted a deal that it hasn't accepted at all probably isn't good.
even better (she said, derailing alsvid's mentions), #GazaDonorMatch is having a 2:1 matching special ALL WEEKEND for donations to Karam! just donate, drop your receipt in the form (, and we will deposit 2x that amount in his GFM on monday! so simple, so rewarding.
and dont forget, it's still the #GazaDonorMatch weekend where donations will be matched 2:1 so every little bit counts!!!
Still $80 until the $41k mark…. Click through to get them there and then just $9k until the goal is reached!
Bluesky rn "Every liberal thinks they will be put in camps under fascism but all evidence suggests they’d be the ones running the camps"
people seem to think that Palestinians are running the scam call center from the Beekeeper or something
And for what?
wow, y'all really hate Palestinians huh
From QNN on twitter β€œThousands of Palestinian families are fleeing Al-Daraj and Al-Tuffah neighborhoods east of Gaza City due to relentless Israeli bombardment.” link in the replies
They are not an Epic Bluesky Mystery Solver, they are the people that would have stood in guard towers shooting escapees at Treblinka.
people seem to think that Palestinians are running the scam call center from the Beekeeper or something
An article in the peer-reviewed medical journal The Lancet, using the conservative estimate of 4 indirect deaths in Gaza for every one direct death (in other conflicts it’s been 3-15x), calculates that Israel has killed approximately 186,000 Palestinians. That is 8% of the population of Gaza.
Counting the dead in Gaza: difficult but By June 19, 2024, 37 396 people had been killed in the Gaza Strip since the attack by Hamas and the Israeli invasion in October, 2023, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, as reported by the UN Offi...
I can't verify each and every fundraiser but while I'm not verifying them I'm also not being a nihilist for the sake of it. You can either confirm it is a scam or keep very quiet until you have done so 100% but spreading doubt where there already is so much against Palestinians is harmful
that’s an honest question. if you’re upset about people having reasonable doubts why haven’t you done anything to try to build trust instead of just yelling at everyone who speaks up?
You're such disingenuous shitheads. How many times do I have to repeat that you shouldn't adamantly spread doubt until you're yourselves 100% certain it is or isn't a scam
No because you clowns not undergoing genocide shouldn't be spreading doubt on fundraisers that if not scams could save a whole Palestinian family. I went to their insta and it looks real plus didn't find the content copied from anywhere else
Why are you shitting on the fundraiser of a family escaping literal genocide. If you're wrong then you're putting their lives in more danger. Shutting up is free
why don’t you do that?
No if you were being earnest you'd get into the fundraiser and try to verify it one way or another instead you've chosen to discredit it as an aha the gofundme's are scams.
the less you allow speculation and the more you attack skepticism the more ripe a playing field you make for scammers. as the number of scammers goes up your hit rate for actually ferrying donations to legitimate fundraisers falls dramatically. please be rational for a moment
If you don't know then don't say anything
i don’t know that most are legit and there’s no real good or consistent way to tell. by and large there’s no way to verify any sort of chain of trust
The next goal is to get medical evacuation for Sarah for her lupus. is only €1800 away from this goal! Remember a *small donation combined with a share* goes a long way - longer than the occasional large donation with no share! Donate:
πŸ’š Help the family of! You can read more about them below. ANY amount helps. πŸͺ¨ Match me to win my illustrated book of poems about the sediments & soils of Palestine! I research Mars sedimentology and wrote this while reading papers by Gazan geologistsπŸ§ͺ
The five Palestinian journalists who were martyred yesterday. Allah yarhamou
Theme of the day is that Ayo says that you are allowed to defend yourself, protect yourself, guard yourself from violent people
Same clothes but not the same person before the and during the war! That’s all because unhealthy food, unhealthy water, etc.. Donate, share for healthy life at least
❀️ I have very few friends but they're legit the best people in the whole world
This is such a weird take. I can 100% confirm Iman does not live in CA, and does not work in Silicon Valley. Such brain rot to think that because someone works on the internet that they are a rich Bay Area person.
This is such a weird take. I can 100% confirm Iman does not live in CA, and does not work in Silicon Valley. Such brain rot to think that because someone works on the internet that they are a rich Bay Area person.
you are actually protecting your cushy 6 digit silicon valley job and you’re somewhere on the west coast i think. am i wrong? please dont tell me you’ve been doing all this sanctimony while working for a defense contractor!! we already had one of those within the past 30 days
There you go
This is foolishness, obviously you don’t live in CA or work in Silicon Valley. Can confirm.
Apparently I wanna post for clout but also do everything to not get that clout are the accusations lol
Oh look, here's Bree gloating that someone who spends most of her time on Bluesky sharing news about Palestine and promoting Palestinian fundraisers is down on her engagement! She's a Normal Person with Very Normal Behaviours. At least she took the Palestinian flag out of her display name.
Well there you go. Thank you β™₯
can confirm you definitely live somewhere on the greater Asian supercontinent!
You know what to hell with it imma go call my bestie
Hey yo you know where I live can you please confirm it's no where near the silicon valley lol wothout saying where i live please and ty. I also do not want you to get dragged into this and you're wecome to not respond at all.
you are actually protecting your cushy 6 digit silicon valley job and you’re somewhere on the west coast i think. am i wrong? please dont tell me you’ve been doing all this sanctimony while working for a defense contractor!! we already had one of those within the past 30 days