
Ah I see how it is, now the neoliberals come out to shame and mock the left for wanting better things, things like actual left-wing policies from the 'left-wing' party...
"You got your labour victory now stop complaining you entitled weirdos" is a heck of a thing to say as a neoliberal cosplaying as a left-winger after purging the party of left-wing voices almost entirely...
Surely no-one in their right minds thinks labour’s anywhere near close to being on the left. Especially with self-proclaimed thatcherite Starmer as leader.
They don't, they're just pulling the old "well they're called labour! so they must be labour!" trick.
If only the Labour party actually got it’s shit together in a way they haven’t really in my lifetime and became a party for the workers again. They got close with Corbyn. Then ran scared when the media took a hatchet to him.
At the risk of opening another entirely separate can of worms, I do think things could have been different had he taken a firm pro (can't believe I'm saying this: or even firm anti) EU stance during that election campaign. Fact he was able to get so close while fence-sitting, damn.
Oh certainly he didn’t help himself either.
What do you mean, he's left of tories on so many issues! Just not trans rights, asylum seekers, or anything relevant. /s
Nationalizing the trains! HES GOING TO NATIONALIZE...some...of the trains (maybe)... See! How much more left-wing could you possible want?!
He’s *just* left of tories. Still centre-right at best. This is how the US’s politics got so fucked up. The two major parties keep moving right.
Just replace dem/rep with labour/tory at this point
Yeah. Pretty much. Hopefully people actually take notice of what will happen in the US over the next year or so.
in our country far left is dont even exist anymore. yup the PCF (french communiste party) is not even comunist today. i wish i was joking. the socialist party (in past they are marxist and anti capitalist) are now.... hu... i dont thinnk they know themself.
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