
u know that invoking the notion of an anti-trans conspiracy to defend a cis guy rapist actually serves to legitimize what TERFs believe about trans women right
like this is literally the opposite of helping the "trans community"
Neil Gaiman was accused of assault on a podcast; a couple people pointed out that the podcast, the only source so far, is terf or terf-adjacent; some other people speculated from that point that this a coordinated takedown of gaiman by terfs for his pro-trans stances
"the only source" also, weird how the pro trans person they're going for hadn't even been especially known for being pro-trans except in a milquetoast liberal sense, surely you'd think they'd go after someone who's a more prominent ally (or even someone who's actually trans, their whole target?)
Right, I think that's the point, that trying to read too much into the terf aspect of the podcast is turning the entire conversation in a more harmful direction