Leliel @ Dawntrail Hypetron

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Leliel @ Dawntrail Hypetron


Designer & Artist
Anime, EGL, FFXIV, Depeche Mode dork • Chronically ill cat mom • Fandom🦕 ↑30 • She/her Q🌈


And with that our birth-a-versary trip comes to a close. It was quite an adventure filled with colorful characters, old friends, and fun.
That’s a wrap on two nights of the XIV and XVI Special Distant Worlds at Benaroya Hall! Thank you so much Soken-san (again just a few seats away from us tonight), Amanda Achen and Arnie Roth for the amazing music and being so patient and kind at the Meet & Greet!
GUYS Soken-san was eight seats to my left for the entirety of Distant Worlds tonight 😭 It was such a great show, Amanda’s performances were amazing, and the crowd participation for One-winged Angel was a perfect finale!
Second annual birthday pilgrimage to the beach-side booze Taco Bell in Pacifica today. Such a silly thing but it brings me joy.
Stitch-y pee paw came home lfg….!!!! #twst Only took seven 10-fold summons…. 😂
I’m tired of not being able to find things in my own home. I’m tired of looking around my home every day and seeing nothing but unfinished to-dos and failure. And I’m *really* tired of being too tired to fix it.
Sitting in the lobby at the auto shop, 1998’s “US Marshals” is on the TV, cut for commercials on AMC. I feel like I got in a Time Machine except every once in a while there’s a commercial for Meta AI. The amount that the time trip is unsettling raises a lot of questions 🤣🤔
Being alive in 2024 sometimes feels like being a hummingbird flapping its wings thousands of times a second to stay aloft above a vast ocean of sadness and terror
Summer Twst event! I’ve been saving, and I had five 10-pulls this morning. Got Riddle in my 1st of the 1st 10-set and then maxed him out. No Lilia to be seen. It’s general’s armor all over again but with 100% more SR FemBoys lmao Got a new Robe Epel, Robe Idia and SSR Epel Gimme Stitch-y peepaw 😭
everyone with like 10 hobbies should be given a garage by the government
Having an anxiety attack because a new feral brought round two 8-10wk old kittens to try to get food we leave out for our TNR feral mama of our emergency fosters from two years ago. Neighbor a block away feeds neighborhood cats and doesn’t TNR them, and they are spreading. 😢🫠
Queer writers don't owe anyone purity in their queer characters, not even to queer readers. These aren't Aesop's fables or role models. They're part of a fictional story. And we have to keep pointing out this obvious fact year after year because more clueless people keep being invented.
My elementary school had a monthly computer lab and the software disks were actually still floppy in practice not just name.
Reskeet how old you are, using a vague proxy: I looked up a woman's skirt at Prange's.
i just wanna be a cheese wizard, or fromage,
My Discover Feed the last 2d has been full of hot takes about Star Wars and Star Trek. I have no idea why. I’d ask if the SF fans are ok but Whovians are living their best life. My cat, for his part, seams ready to welcome our technological overlords, starting by making the hand vac his pillow.
Muted the word "Adobe" for 30 days because suddenly everyone thinks they're a lawyer. War flashbacks of the times when everyone was yelling DA and Twitter were going to steal our art when in reality they just needed the permissions to display them in *our own posts*
The most exciting single drum hit in recorded music is the enormous snare four seconds into "Never Let Me Down Again" by Depeche Mode
My brother in chronic illness, if you break a BONE, pls grab an N95 or respirator and go to the ER to get it fixed!! Yes hospitals have laxed mask rules and it sucks, but 🏥 aren’t the same lvl of plague zones like at the height of Covid. Unhealed bones = more chronic pain!
These licenses are basically cloud hosting permissions. Read in context they don’t give Adobe other rights. However, it’s clear nobody trusts them right now! (All companies with cloud services have similar language though often better scoped to avoid freaking out people!)
I guess people like David Fincher and the Coen bros won't be cutting their films on Premiere Pro any more.
Apprentice Chef Leona Get…! Sadly the man still can’t use a microwave… 🤣
I might be story blocked on Twst but at least I should have enough cooking points to get a cranky pants catboy in a silly little chef’s hat tomorrow 🤣
I might be story blocked on Twst but at least I should have enough cooking points to get a cranky pants catboy in a silly little chef’s hat tomorrow 🤣
Doctor Who (New Who) S1-4 Yuri on Ice Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind Gargoyles Trigun (original) I’m sure there’s more in not thinking of right away
What TV series have you watched all the way through more than three times?
i have no real idea what my gender and sexuality are so i made my own pride flag based on the label colors for Baja Blast
After a solid month and a half of plowing through the #Twst story I’ve hit the Tartarus wall. 🫠 I’m gonna be stuck here for a while cause I never bothered leveling anyone from Heartslabyul or Scarabia (no SRs) and my Pomfiore guys are weak outside of Vil.
Our AT&T fiber has been out since Friday night, a break in the lines in the neighborhood and they are taking forever to fix it. We’re fighting for our life with 1-2 bars of 5G in our house. So much for getting anything done for Fanime or zines this weekend 🫠