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West Country widow. Trying to keep the ranting down and the positive energy up. LDB means late dearly beloved.
Of all the things one wants to do on one's birthday, I doubt if opening Parliament and listening to a speech is high on the list, even if it does include a carriage ride and a tiara. My 77th included gin, smokes, flowers, and something nice to eat. #Justsaying
Ooh that was a bad night's sleep, for no particular reason. It's going to take me some time to come to properly this morning. The usual #morningcoffee will help.
Love the idea,thank you to Marina Hyde in the Guardian, that Trump slapped a pantyliner on his head because the very small plaster needed wasn’t BIG enough to inflame the Magatrons.
Damp and really quite cool outside. A day for housework and cooking, then. 🙁
Football, tennis, golf, Olympics. There are some of us who don't care much about watching sport. It's no wonder that we're streaming instead of watching terrestrial TV. BBC/ITV need to rethink and make dedicated sports channels, leaving at least one other (w/out rubbish on it) available for us.
Surprised at just how cloudy it is this morning. Also surprised that the temperature, according to the weather app, is expected to shoot up this week. It would be nice… #morningcoffee
Oh NOW there’s blue sky and fluffy white clouds. Pfft. (Really need italics on here.)
Now it’s stopped raining, going outside is like stepping into a warm and steamy bathroom.
It’s raining. Put boots on. Find boots have split. It’s not Friday the 13th is it?
Less pleased to discover that the overnight rain is expected to continue and get heavier all day. Dammit.
I woke up surprised and rather pleased to find that there was rain during the night. #morningcoffee
I'm not much into conspiracy theories, but the Trump "assassination attempt" seems mighty fishy to me.
A promising blue and shiny morning. It probably won't last, but it is so cheering to sip a #morningcoffee while looking out at the sunny garden.
Newest neighbours down the lane below me have a very large, very clean,very shiny white behemoth with a number plate reminiscent of,but not quite the same as, James Bond, neither of which things impresses me. Also, my car is covered in mud all winter. They may learn. Devon lanes are muddy.
Went to farmers' market. Bought chicken, bread, bacon, a large plant, gin, and ordered cheese from, who actually sells jewellery. Trust me, it makes perfect sense.
Rain last night, sun this morning. If the wind would swing round to the south, it would be perfect. #morningcoffee
I made the mistake of going outside and, yes, I can confirm that it is still raining.
So, it’s raining, which is good, because I don’t have to water the hanging basin but bad, because it was a toss up between sausages and garlic bread ,or salad. And I’m having salad. Dammit.
I overbought on limes, so am making lime marmalade. It has just occurred to me that I gave away/recycled loads of jam jars, and I am not sure I have more than one left.
The stunning morning sky didn’t last long; the cloud has rolled in. ⛅️⛅️
Its absolutely glorious sitting outside in the sun. I nearly fell asleep, but a vole popped out to hoover some of the fallen bird food, so that kept me awake watching it. ☀️
A bank holiday if England win the Euros? FFS, it's a football match. Do we have no sense of proportion any more as a country?
A beautiful golden sunrise to watch while I'm drinking the first #morningcoffee
It was bin bag day yesterday, wasn’t it? And none of you proper bastards reminded me. Dammit.
It’s lovely outside in the sunshine although there’s a hint of late summer feeling in the air.
Really nice to hear Mark Mardell back on #BBCRdio4, and sounding much the same as ever.
The BBC is reporting the King's message about football with all due solemnity, as if it was some kind of command instead of, by the sound of it, a light-hearted comment. #SenseOfHumourFailure
I'm assuming that Gareth Southgate is now the best thing ever to happen to football, and any media suggestions that he should be tarred, feathered, and sacked were mere aberrations that never actually happened. #sardonic #morningcoffee.