
DMV drivers are bad, they’ll drive like they’re straight out of Mad Max New York drivers are assholes, they will make your life worse if it makes theirs better Boston drivers are actively malicious. They’re slamming the defect button on the prisoner’s dilemma every time
I maintain that Boston drivers aren’t bad, they’re spiteful.
In Dallas, we joke that the best defensive driving is offensive driving. I've had multiple Uber drivers say they moved here from NYC and are surprised at how reckless and aggressive the drivers here are. According to them, NYC is controlled chaos, but people here are just stupid.
There was also a period where three people drove into my mom's car while she was just sitting there. One time, someone was making a left turn without a light, got cold feet, put the car in reverse, and ran into her. Another time, someone backed out of a parking space without looking, right into her.
Forgot what the third time was, it was the only one where I wasn't in the car with her. But the driver had no insurance.