
With our next generation generative AI, we have now brought "the Debate Hall Where You're Always Right" into existence.
"By Zeus, Socrates, I see your point." To be honest, Plato did a pretty good job of creating this just with writing.
Plato doesn't scale. AI voice chatbots, on the other hand...
Yes, Socrates. Of course, Socrates.
And once we perfect sex bots, the tavern of infinite one night stands! (All without the long, hard road to live a life of being Lawful Good. Reward without effort, acclaim without accomplishment… that’s their entire ethos.)
Hey, I think everyone should be able to have a life of happy hedonism without deserving it one bit. However, reducing your social interaction to getting pitifully weak simulacra of ppl to bow down to you in various ways is definitely unhealthy.
oh god did you see Scott Adams using chatgpt to 'prove' the election was stolen?
No. I expect there will be quite a lot of madness I'm going to miss as various ppl decide that generative AI-made simulacra are more fun to live in than anything even vaguely resembling actual reality.