
So many of these people spent YEARS telling people that things that political organizers said would happen would not happen due to 'precedent', norms, collegiality, etc and they were fucking wrong 100%.
The entire fate of the nation hangs on the thin thread of Biden winning and I have “progressives” saying “see we just need to replace capitalism and all will be right,” with absolutely no plan how to do that. And on the other side agenda holding press who write article after article…
..about how Biden’s debate performance means “cognitive decline” because they once had a relative w Alzheimer’s or something. Then they doin fantasies about how at a brokered convention Harris will replace Biden and pick Obama as her VP. Meanwhile they “crazy” MAGAs plot day by day systematic..
..steps to ban abortion, deport 20 million people, and steal the election should Trump, by done miracle, lose, despite the Democrats’ efforts to undermine their own candidate. Folks the Republicans learned long ago that the age of looking at a candidate’s “qualifications” (“Hilary is the most..
…candidate in history.” “This Trump judge is completely unqualified and should not be appointed”) passed long ago. No one cares Trump is a 78 yr old faded TV personality who can’t string two coherent sentences together. They will back him no matter what to win the election. There’s a lesson there.