
So many of these people spent YEARS telling people that things that political organizers said would happen would not happen due to 'precedent', norms, collegiality, etc and they were fucking wrong 100%.
It's almost like we need to actively fight for things rather than depend on no one ever acting in bad faith ever. You know, like organizers said
Joe Biden was selected to ensure nothing will fundamentally change. It's simply his constituents are capitalists and profiteers, not we the people.
Needless to say, this would also be true of any replacement candidate the DNC put forward in 2024, should that actually happen.
Oh yeah. We are past the point of no return on DLC/Third Way incompetence.
Relentlessly, confidently, and loudly wrong. Especially a number of cable news network legal analysts from those very institutions.
Right? I literally have a close friend who told me I'm out of my mind for predicting what is happening each day of the last two weeks.
I have had ppl telling me I'm crazy for over a decade b/c I've been trying to get them to see what is happening. Now they're panicking & I'm sitting here smoking a joint saying " Yup...."
It's almost like having informal rules based on vibes more than anything, really unpreparedness for this kind of thing.
It must just ache to be Kagan, Sotomayor, and Jackson now.
What looked like a world winning opportunity turned out to be a drag along on the most hellish Supreme Court ride in US history.
It's like they're in charge of working the brakes on a giant go-kart, and they are realizing that someone greased all the surfaces and cut lines.
I honestly want to just give up on this. We're seeing it happen in Canada as well. I've been trying to fight it for over a decade. I don't know what to do now.
Yeah, because the whole thing is some shit we made up. We have to all agree to do it! And we have to get violent when people fuck it up or else there's nothing stopping them, and they have always happily, banally, done evil to people they didn't care about.
The entire fate of the nation hangs on the thin thread of Biden winning and I have “progressives” saying “see we just need to replace capitalism and all will be right,” with absolutely no plan how to do that. And on the other side agenda holding press who write article after article…
..about how Biden’s debate performance means “cognitive decline” because they once had a relative w Alzheimer’s or something. Then they doin fantasies about how at a brokered convention Harris will replace Biden and pick Obama as her VP. Meanwhile they “crazy” MAGAs plot day by day systematic..
..steps to ban abortion, deport 20 million people, and steal the election should Trump, by done miracle, lose, despite the Democrats’ efforts to undermine their own candidate. Folks the Republicans learned long ago that the age of looking at a candidate’s “qualifications” (“Hilary is the most..
…candidate in history.” “This Trump judge is completely unqualified and should not be appointed”) passed long ago. No one cares Trump is a 78 yr old faded TV personality who can’t string two coherent sentences together. They will back him no matter what to win the election. There’s a lesson there.
The Constitution doesn't matter at this point. SCOTUS will let Trump do whatever he wants.