Susannah Paletz

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Susannah Paletz

Assoc. Professor @UMD INFO College. Applied psychologist. studies teams, culture, creativity, tech, and more. Likes cats, RPGs, etc. She/her
Instead of watching TV, this week my spouse and I have been listening to Starter Villain on audiobook by And playing with the cats, of course.
See a tux, post a tux
See a tux, post a tux I’m in These pandemic kitties have been so much fun
Time for some joy based on my cat being a weird little gal little fangs. the fangs of a killer. err, aspirational killer I know people are like "cats are so aloof compared to dogs" but they just weren't chosen by a cat And this cat barely chose me! She's my kid's cat.
Fluffy black cats are the best
I see our paper is getting buzz! Important takeaway: The semantic space model is more informative than the others; you can't discover what you don't measure. Amusement, cute, wonder, pride--all associated with post sharing. It's not just about anger etc. #PsychSciSky
The foster kittens are back with their agency, because summer is over and we can't give them full time love now. They still need a very good forever home to adopt them. In the meantime, our other cats are relieved. Here is Pandora outside on the porch noticing kittens running in HER TERRITORY.
show me a picture on your phone that has your energy, no selfies
show me a picture on your phone that has your energy, no selfies
Good advice We're fostering 2 tabby kittens. This isn't them. This is Shuri, who is wondering WHY SHE SMELLS BUT DOES NOT SEE OTHER CATS IN THE HOUSE. Also would like humans to be downstairs in her safe kitten-less space please
Always "like" the pet photo posts you come across. It will make you happy. It will make the person who posted the pet photos happy. The pets will likely be indifferent but honestly that's to be expected.
Given that all these cat accounts are following me now, I should probably post a cat photo
End of feed.