Susannah Paletz

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Susannah Paletz

Assoc. Professor @UMD INFO College. Applied psychologist. studies teams, culture, creativity, tech, and more. Likes cats, RPGs, etc. She/her
I highly recommend reading about the Clean Air Act and the acid rain program ( to fully understand how the EPA has undoubtedly saved countless lives when allowed to act
Breaking news: The Supreme Court dealt a blow to the Environmental Protection Agency’s regulation of air quality on Thursday, putting on hold a major initiative to improve public health by reducing smog-forming pollution from power plants and factories that blows across state lines.
Supreme Court blocks EPA’s ‘downwind’ air-quality States, trade associations and companies sought to pause the EPA’s “good neighbor” plan to fight downwind pollution, which is being challenged in a lower court.
:dons librarian hat: Digital preservation is more expensive than preserving paper; it takes more staff, active attention, and consistent computing resources. Libraries have discussed “digital dark age” since the 1990s. Corp archives often 1st to go b/c suits haven’t figured out how to profit.
One of the interesting things about the Internet is that we’re actually living through a dark age. Future historians are unlikely to have records of this period. Paper and ink last. Digital storage, less so.
Comedy Central’s Website Purges 25 Years of Video Clips and Other The vast repository of content on Comedy Central's website has been removed by Paramount Global, in a move to push fans to Paramount+.
It’s worth remembering that “lizard people” is an extreme version of antisemitism. There are people who don’t explicitly connect to Jews, and maybe they even don’t know, but the origins of conspiracy theory are 100% about us.
I was today years old when I learned that former race car driver Danica Patrick is a fucking insane right winger who believes the world is being run by a lizard people conspiracy and has an Alex Jones-level YouTube channel
Furthest I've been: N: Copenhagen, Denmark, or Edinburgh, Scotland - anyone know which is further north? E: Tokyo, Japan S: Ranomafana, Madagascar W: Waialua, Hawaii
Heh, just realized two of these are glaciers: N: Sefströmbreen glacier mouth, Svalbard (78.7°) E: Majuro, Marshall Islands* (171.3°) S: Perito Moreno glacier, El Calafate, Argentina (50.5°) W: Honolulu, Hawai'i (157.9°) *well, really Tairua, NZ, 175.8°, but that feels more S than E
After asking the government (or private foundations) to pay for the costs of doing research, we conduct the research and write papers about it that our peers review for free, then we donate those papers to for-profit companies that sell them back to us at high prices. This is considered normal.
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
In the US you can call your local poison center at 800-222-1222 for all sorts of questions -- medication administration, side effects, extra doses. We're not just here for snake bites, mushrooms and mercury, we're trained nurses and pharmacists with broad expertise in toxicology and pharmacology!
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
The Federal Trade Commission, of all entities, is out here writing absolute bangers about AI snake oil.
It's kinda fascinating to me that in a string of rom-coms I've watched lately, the absolute sexiest and most romantic thing a guy can do is be enormously supportive and admiring of a woman's career. Like, dudes, maybe women creators are trying to tell you something important here.
Hey your human-animal teammate friends are back and doing search and rescue
The training team has pondered what effect it could have on an already traumatized survivor trapped beneath rubble when they’re approached by a giant rat wearing a backpack.
Dear rat, did you ever know that you're my hero? African giant pouched rats use their acute sense of smell to sniff out landmines and detect TB in sputum samples. Now, they are set to become search-and-rescue specialists too.
The training team has pondered what effect it could have on an already traumatized survivor trapped beneath rubble when they’re approached by a giant rat wearing a backpack.
Dear rat, did you ever know that you're my hero? African giant pouched rats use their acute sense of smell to sniff out landmines and detect TB in sputum samples. Now, they are set to become search-and-rescue specialists too.
Being a progressive Jew means teaching your Jewish friends that anti-zionism isn't always antisemitic, while *also* teaching your progressive friends that anti-zionism is sometimes antisemitic
OH MY GOD. “In fact, hair relaxers marketed to children in the United States have been found to contain the highest levels of five of the chemicals prohibited in the European Union.”
“A study that followed a cohort of nearly 34,000 women, found that those who frequently used chemical hair-straightening products, a majority of whom were Black women, were two and a half times as likely to develop uterine cancer as those who did not use the products.”
The Disturbing Truth About Hair They’ve been linked to reproductive disorders and cancers. Why are they still being marketed so aggressively to Black women?
Not delighted by the "continued into Biden's presidency" framing when the actual thing the Biden administration did, according to the article, was ordered it shut down immediately after finding out that it was happening
Reuters: The U.S. military launched a clandestine program amid the COVID crisis to discredit China’s Sinovac inoculation – payback for Beijing’s efforts to blame Washington for the pandemic. One target: the Filipino public.
Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to incite fear of China The covert effort began under Trump and continued into Biden’s presidency, Reuters found. Health experts say it endangered lives for possible geopolitical gain.
I love my job, but I am making *literally* less than I did on my 12-month professional track faculty salary, and I got a raise when I got turned into a tenure/tenured-track creature on a 9-month contract. So, no, not really
I see it’s the time of year when some R1 TT faculty with good jobs will say “My employment contract only pays me for 9 months of the year; in the Summer I have to work but am not paid”. That is not the reason people are nominally on a 9mo clock. It’s an accounting fiction that is in fact a benefit.
This is some BS but basically, my best measure of local COVID rates is "how many people do I know with COVID." That PLUS "how many people did I hear about second hand who attended X event with COVID."
New paper! We explored the efficacy of an intervention to lessen misinformation dissemination, focusing not on the belief end but on the sharing end. At least in experiments, asking people to attest to a message's truthfulness makes them less likely to share things they think are false.
Self-certification: A novel method for increasing sharing discernment on social The proliferation of misinformation on social media platforms has given rise to growing demands for effective intervention strategies that increase sharing discernment (i.e. increase the difference in...
Instead of watching TV, this week my spouse and I have been listening to Starter Villain on audiobook by And playing with the cats, of course.
I went to Wesleyan for undergrad. I wil be taking no further questions at this time
some folks are posting misinformation, I'm trying to be better at not following people who do that
See a tux, post a tux
See a tux, post a tux I’m in These pandemic kitties have been so much fun
Also sent this to Josh earlier, you will appreciate