
Anti-abortion Secretary of State Frank LaRose ordered the purge of 27,000 voter registrations before voters decide on Issue 1, which would codify abortion in the state. People can re-register—but not in time to vote on the ballot measure. That deadline was Oct. 10.
Ohio Quietly Purges 27,000 Voters From Rolls Ahead of Abortion The anti-abortion Secretary of State Frank LaRose (R) ordered the cancelations before voters decide on Issue 1, which would codify abortion in the state.
Ohio Republicans are pulling out ALL the stops to try to defeat Issue 1. They're misleading voters by trying to claim that Issue 1 is extreme—while obscuring the fact that it may be the only thing that can permanently block a 6-week abortion ban Gov. Mike DeWine signed in 2019.
John Legend Urges Ohioans to Vote to Protect Abortion Days After Governor Claims There's No The EGOT-winning singer comes out in support of Issue 1, which would codify abortion rights in the state constitution.
And, of course, they blew $20 million on a special election to try to thwart ballot measures like Issue 1. LaRose—the Secretary of State who recently purged 27K voters—admitted the August election was “100%” about trying to block the abortion amendment
Ohio Special Election Designed to Thwart Abortion Vote Fails The pro-choice position won overwhelmingly in Ohio, a red state, and has now swept all seven statewide votes since the fall of Roe v. Wade.
Let me be clear about the timing: LaRose ordered the purge of inactive voters to take effect September 28 but did not publicize it, and voting rights groups said they didn’t know. The news came out last week, when it was already too late for people to re-register
26,000 Ohioans purged from voter rolls: How to check if you were COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) — The Ohio Secretary of State purged more than 26,000 voters from voter rolls in September due to inactivity – over a sixth of whom came from Franklin County. Secretary …
All these underhanded tricks will make the passing of Issues 1 and 2 even sweeter. On November 8, he will to change his name to Frank LLLLaRose.
Is it possible that these kinds of dirty tricks won’t work in an election where high-SES voters, who vote more frequently, are disproportionately blue?
Will the people of Ohio care about this blatant anti-democracy move when it’s time to choose between Sherrod Brown and Fascist Frank?
... a Vote where the pro choice option was a No vote, but next week a pro choice vote is Yes. Deliberately confusing.
supporters are doing a damn good job making sure people understand, tho. as someone who lives here? they're doing a fucking amazing job.
It’s all state’s rights until they don’t agree with what the state wants.
"State's rights" means the *state* gets to decide, not the people. Does it not?
No, that's state's "power" or state's "authority". States' rights are what they get to be without interference from the Feds, like gay civil unions or recreational marijuana. But the Feds do have the authority to stop states from oppressing their citizens, so gay marriage is now national.
…but abortion restrictions are not. Neither are trans people regulations. Interestingly, the Constitution only mentions State’s powers, no rights.
Re-read the 10th amendment. Then look at the inconsistent SCotUS record concerning the 10th amendment. (RBG herself thought Roe v. Wade should have been a stronger 9th/10th amendments decision, not a weak 4th.)
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Still no “states rights”
They can't win so they cheat.
It is not cheating if there is no law preventing it. It is simply exploiting a legal loophole.
Any legal action possible?
what the fuck can you even do at this point if you live in Ohio, short of moving away.
Easy for me to say, but: vote yes on Issue 1 and also to make sure LaRose doesn’t become a US Senator next year (yes, he’s running)
Lots of people can’t move away, or don’t want to, really. I also recognize that voting doesn’t solve everything. But here, it will literally mean the difference between a 6-week abortion ban taking effect or not
yeesh. bleak future everywhere.
There's good polling evidence that Issue 1 will win by a substantial margin -- and the constitutional amendment they tried to run to gut this back in August went down to flaming defeat.
That's "reason to hope". Vote anyway, if you're allowed to.
Join a voting rights organisation.
Wait, how in the hell is this legal?
The Republicans were elected on maps the courts ruled were illegal. They ignored the courts.
Our GOP government is really just shockingly corrupt.
Sounds like a civil rights violation. I hope he gets sued.
the courts here are all gerrymandered in gop favour. i sincerely wish luck to whoever tries.
Since Civil Rights law is Federal, it would be a US attorney to make the case. So the Fed DOJ is on the hook here.
I don't understand how voters can be just purged from the rolls. The US allowing this, seems very undemocratic.
A world wide wave of democratic backsliding? Authoritarian leaders being elected? Italy elected party directly descended from Mussolini. 🤦‍♀️
Am Canadian, so perhaps I'm missing something. How is that not election interference?
oh it absolutely is, but we're gerrymandered to shit and back. the gop were elected on illegal maps but they just... ignored the court ruling telling them to fix the maps. we need a federal VRA and national dem party to fucking help us. but we know help isn't coming. we're fucked, but we're trying.
I still have hope for both our countries. Our Conservatives aretalking pages from the republican book, but we also just got our first indigenous premier, so that's kind of awesome/ amazing
Because when Republicans do it objecting is "partisanship destroying the nation"
Fundamentalist lunatic fringe pretending to be a government. Charming.
Politicians need to be reminded that the government works for the people.
I’m sure this is just a coincidence though… ‘Youngkin ‘purge’ removed nearly 3,400 legal Virginia voters from rolls’
Imagine if the Dem party cared and could message this. 🤦‍♂️