
It’s possible the court won’t drop the steaming turd of a ruling until next week, but you never know
Supreme Court rulings at 10am tomorrow and Friday and we’re still waiting this sleeper abortion case out of Idaho. It hasn't gotten as much attention as the abortion pill suit, but it's even more terrifying: Alliance Defending Freedom is pushing fetal personhood on behalf of a U.S. state
The Latest Abortion Case at the Supreme Court Is Under-the-Radar Are pregnant women who show up in emergency rooms people, or mere vessels for potential life? Stay tuned to find out!
And yes I warned people to beware them dropping the two abortion rulings at the same time, but that was before the abortion pill opinion was unanimous
And given that today’s ruling was unanimous(!) and neither Alito or Thomas said anything about the Comstock Act(!!), my larger point about narrative manipulation still stands, even if it takes another week or two to get the ER abortions case
Ok, no ruling in the Idaho emergency room abortions case today but they’ll be back to terrorize us tomorrow at 10am
This is my least favorite part of every June