
Supreme Court rulings at 10am tomorrow and Friday and we’re still waiting this sleeper abortion case out of Idaho. It hasn't gotten as much attention as the abortion pill suit, but it's even more terrifying: Alliance Defending Freedom is pushing fetal personhood on behalf of a U.S. state
The Latest Abortion Case at the Supreme Court Is Under-the-Radar Are pregnant women who show up in emergency rooms people, or mere vessels for potential life? Stay tuned to find out!
The case essentially comes down to: Are pregnant women who show up in emergency rooms people or mere vessels for potential life? As one brief notes, if the court rules for Idaho, it "will succeed in demoting pregnant women to second-class status under EMTALA."
The Latest Abortion Case at the Supreme Court Is Under-the-Radar Are pregnant women who show up in emergency rooms people, or mere vessels for potential life? Stay tuned to find out!
Idaho doubled down on the idea that women and pregnant people have to be on the brink of death before they can have an abortion—even if, say, their water breaks at 16 weeks and the fetus isn't viable. People are getting airlifted out of state.
And yes, ADF is representing Idaho "for free." In practice, this means the right-wing activist org is pushing its own agenda at the Supreme Court using the power of a state. Idaho's AG does not like when you talk about this
Idaho AG Very Upset By Criticism Of Right-Wing Lawyers Working For Him For In a new op-ed, Raúl Labrador appears to be auditioning for the role of the Sam Alito of state attorneys general.
ADF also does not like when you talk about this. But just imagine the conservative outcry if, say, Arizona’s AG appealed the state’s 1864 abortion ban to the Supreme Court and had the ACLU represent the state
Alliance Defending Freedom Lawyer Enraged By Good, Correct Criticism Of Alliance Defending The fallout over the Idaho AG's sketchy arrangement with the activist legal organization is turning right-wing ideologues into bad bloggers.
Fwiw, the Department of Justice destroyed the claim that fetuses are patients when women have medical emergencies—actually, women are. They note that the complications at issue here mean the fetus has little to no chance of survival. But the court is 6-3, so
How's that going to go with the whole representative govt based upon population?
I fucking hate these people so much
I mostly dislike lookism, but every once in a while somebody looks just like who they are.
I know this isn’t the main point here, but I believe all religious hospitals that refuse to provide services due to a “religious” objection should be required to sell or convert to a secular nonprofit
I generally think healthcare workers should have zero religious exemptions for patient care but that’s just me!!
what a misnomer of a name for a group
Lots of people are going to be shocked when SCOTUS establishes fetal personhood in the next few years. Not sure it will be with this particular case, but we are definitely headed that direction. I'm disappointed that several Ds in congress won't use their power, like adding Justices or DC statehood.
I choose to take it as a good sign that Alito hasn’t pre-leaked the opinion days or weeks in advance.