Susan Stinson

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Susan Stinson

Novelist. Author of Martha Moody, Spider in a Tree, and Venus of Chalk from Small Beer Press. Recent essay in The Contemporary Reader of Gender and Fat Studies. Triker. she/her.
That's my fifth negative test since #readercon. Wishing everyone who is ill the things they need for a swift recovery. And I just read This is How You Lose The Time War for the first time. Then went back and started it again. What a gorgeous book.
Read first six pages of Housemates by Emma Copley Eisenberg. Someone is holed up in her house in an artless season, having survived her "Housemate" who died many years ago. I am having a "Killing Me Softly" feeling: "as if he'd found my letters and read each one outloud." Excited + a little scared.
39 and up Bluesky - Drop a pic with your age. 63 at a Memorial Day party! Hello.
Time 100 Health recognizes NAAFA's Executive Director Tigress Osborn. Tigress is doing spectacular work in intersectional fat activism. #timemagazine #fat #activism #NAAFA
My mom taught me to bake. I know her biscuit recipe by heart. I just tried to substitute pecan flour for white flour in her recipe. Added blueberries and a little cinnamon because I was not going to use anything sweet l later. The picture shows what the biscuits looked like AFTER baking.
I stood in the chilly water of a lake this weekend. It was wonderful. I was camping.
My brother Don took this picture of me yesterday on my trike on a railroad bridge across the Connecticut River. #dykesontrikes #northamptonma
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