
Hmmmm. Imagine if the media was demanding that BOTH Biden and Trump withdraw from the race. Would make a lot more sense than just screaming about Biden.
I want the major news organizations explaining why they are not asking Trump to pull out with 34 felony convictions, sex scandals, treason, racist comments, threats to opponents. I'm waiting and would like their rationale.
Sadly, think you're right.
It's easy, their money comes from far-right Trump backers.
And a bright orange face. WTF is all that about? Nobody ever asks him.
Trump generates better sound bites. The only sound bite they ever seem to get out of Joe is, hey I did it. Or it worked. They'd much more like to have sound bites like electric sharks, and windmills causing cancer.
I want to know why they aren't leading with the Epstein documents? 🤔
This should be on every channel! Front page of every paper! HE IS UNFIT FOR ANYTHING EXCEPT PRISON!
But then where would their stories come from? They’d have to do real reporting especially at the and that’s HARD 😏
Trump showed actual lunatic type mental illness on that stage. Calling for Joe alone to exit shows bias.
I had a friend who became schizophrenic when I was young. Like Trump, he was said clear sentences. Like Trump, he was often maniacal and spoke about things that were unreal as if they were. Trump showed signs of mental illness. You might say he put on a better show but presidency isn't a show.
Good point. I agree with you that Trump is mentally ill. I don’t see how anyone could dispute that. Worse yet, he’s mentally ill and cruel, and has zero conscience. Very dangerous combination.
Trump shows his lunacy all the time, plus says absolutely stupid and absolutely terrible things, and the media doesn’t even BLINK.
I dream of a time travel where the headlines were, "WTF? Joe can't finish a sentence. Don has no connection to reality. We need new candidates, now!" I do not actually believe the debate indicated a real problem with Joe but, at least the headline I propose would make sense.
It makes NO sense to criticize Joe but give Trump a pass.
Proof the media is a huge problem and complicit.