
Asshole doctor Does Harm by leaking medical documents to Chris Rufo, is now charged with 4 felonies. (Calling this guy a “whistleblower” and Rufo a “journalist” are some good examples underscoring just how detached from reality this entire ecosystem is)
DOJ charges Texas doctor after he blew the whistle on gender-affirming care for The Department of Justice filed criminal charges against a surgeon who exposed Texas Children's Hospital for secretly conducting gender-affirming care on minors.
"They wanted to intimidate me into silence using every technique the federal leviathan had at their disposal. But they failed," Haim wrote Thursday on X. "The only way to lose is to submit to corruption. It's time to fight back harder than ever!" These colossal, incredibly dangerous losers
"intimidate me into silence" lol, yeah what did he think "you are prohibited by law from disclosing protected information" means exactly??
they wanted to intimidate me into not doing crimes that are very harmful to other people but brother these colors (piss yellow, shit brown) don't run