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He/Him A lesser character with common equipment, but useful for early missions, or for carrying extra items
Your first mistake was being born. Your second mistake was trying to kill John Rambo. Your fatal mistake? Being killed by John Rambo.
Say, whats the rhubarb on this Popeye's chicken, don't those saps know nothing? Why I oughtta....
Me too, guy who dresses up like an old man from the 1890s and reviews fast food. Me too
This photo is pure 2024.
This is a picture of a newly discovered pool never seen before by human eyes 700 ft deep in Lechuguilla Cave a part of Carlsbad National Park here in New Mexico
To add to this excellent post by @eschatonblog.com, the shitpost left also wasn't in a position to assess Biden's possible health issues either: it's not like we get many opportunities to meet with Biden (or advise him, for that matter). It was the supposed grownup centrists who let this fester.
Is This Going Wellwww.eschatonblog.com Whether or not Biden should leave the race, it isn't the shitpost left that is loudly and prominently arguing that the president - and curre...
You lefties better not run someone who's very old for president, and then leak how confused he is to your contacts at the NYT, you dumb lefties in prominent positions in Biden's administration and in the Democratic party!!!
There's only one Keir who's title I recognize, and it sure as hell isn't Starmer
MAGA dudes talk about a national "divorce" because it's one of the few areas of law most of them have experienced the business end of
Lefty bluesky posters are not the engine behind the calls for Biden to resign, come on.
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
It's not a "freebie" when the government owes it to me, motherfuckers
Absolutely star-generating energy levels of chutzpah to mock government "freebies" after the UK government did Brexit and the British people lost all kinds of concrete benefits, and watched other public services degrade, diminish
Absolutely star-generating energy levels of chutzpah to mock government "freebies" after the UK government did Brexit and the British people lost all kinds of concrete benefits, and watched other public services degrade, diminish
I want to love journalism and journalists but sometimes the shit the write is so god damn biased. This pair of journalist’s summary of the British election is just horrid hyperventilating trash. These two should be writing for People magazine not a serious paper of record. wapo.st/3XP6IgM
Regardless of Jamal Bowman's quality as a candidate or a rep, the Dem tendency to throw their own under the bus for no good reason or selfish reasons was fully on display, an amuse-bouche for the flailing panic we're seeing now.
For me it’s not that I’m either ok or not ok with Biden as a candidate it’s that my brain cannot rationalize that the media has so uniformly freaked out about him while remaining comparatively serene about all the other far worse stuff in the past two weeks.
"All the cool kids hate democracy" Jesus fucking Christ, the NYT seems more of a malign influence than ever
Is looming fascism and civil strife not "interesting" enough for these people?
“Politics would be interesting again,” is a hell of a thing to say generally and also, for these commentators, obviously untrue. Nothing about any replacement process will be as arousing to them as the prospect of forcing the renominated president out of the race with enough poison pen columns.
I guess the answer is to run someone the NYT doesn't hate, won't fuck over
Always surprising when you see someone in charge of a major company who doesn't have rotting bananas where their brain should be
Nintendo says it will not use generative-AI, preferring to create stuff that is "unique to" them and to avoid copyrighted material used by gen-AI: gameworldobserver.com/2024/07/03/n...
"I dissent" motherfucker *I* dissent, because I'm just some schmoe, you're the goddamn President!
I don't know how many years of my life I've been writing Close-Guantanamo-Before-It's-Too-Late stories and while this would be a highly ironic end for Liz "The al-Qaeda Seven" Cheney the joke won't be funny for very long
Trump Amplifies Calls to Jail Top Elected Officials, Invokes Military Tribunalswww.nytimes.com A post that Mr. Trump circulated on Sunday called for Liz Cheney to be prosecuted by a military court reserved for enemy combatants and war criminals.
An army of well-paid consultants has spend decades institutionalizing learned helplessness into the party, which is now constitutionally incapable of rising to the moment
Also sold as "Interactive Grimes Adventure"
raft-away river, apple II (1984) www.mobygames.com/game/79594/r...
Timeline cleanse! Remember this lil dude who tried his damnedest to die on me a few months ago? LOOKIT HIM NOW! Take that, Fading Kitten Syndrome!!!!!
Current day Red Hot Chili Peppers guy looks like the Manos the Hands of Fate guy
Defending the citizens of this country from a rapacious, vicious right wing fifth column does not fall outside the "limits" of the presidency
“I will not use my office to the fullest extent allowable but my opponent will” is a really bad takeaway actually. Just pack the court man.