
I think this is the first person on here to point out that Biden could now "legally" order the IRS to release Trump's tax returns. Good point.
Add "public release of the tax returns of Donald J. Trump, the Trump Organization, all Trump children and their spouses and any other place that Trump money might be hiding" to the list of official acts that Biden might take here.
I mean, it would still be illegal, technically, but he just couldn't be punished for it. My other idea is to order Barron Trump arrested, just for the trolling effect it would have. To be clear, release him again in under 24 hours, but make your point.
Barron is 18, and has been involved in some shady shit with Martin Shkreli and "DJT" crypto-currency. No, truly. But the intent would be to simply arrest him for a time, simply to troll everyone. And then make a point that maybe who is on the SCOTUS is important.