
When I finally am making enough off Ad Astra to hire someone, the first thing I will do is hire a proofreader/editor for my newsletter because the number of typos is frankly embarrassing but I'm also shit at self-editing
I'd do it for free, but I'm not a professional writer.
I would be willing to do this on a volunteer basis for a while (no strings about employment later!). Career copywriter and proofreader, happy to discuss more over email or messages
Thank you!!! I may take you up on that in the coming months—part of the problem right now is that there isn’t really enough time between when I write and publish for an external editor (something I need to work on, I have so many process improvements to make)
Professional proofreader here. I'd be happy to throw my hat in.
Thank you!!! When I'm ready to hire, I will absolutely post about it on here
There's *something* about staring at your own words that can make even the best of our brains go a little "tyop" blind - like, you know what you meant, so that's what you see, right?
That's exactly my problem
I understand completely and it's why I was various friends' go-to "2nd eye" in college - I knew what they meant, but saw what they'd written, so my copyediting markings helped. Still do it on occasion, but less often bc I should really charge for it.
As a person who had a professor at university called me functionally illiterate as a writer, I sympathize. But a savior has arisen, thanks to the inventors of AI. Though not perfect, it has finally made me coherent to others. Yes, AI helped me write this.
You're writing on a deadline. That makes it hard to put it away for a week before reviewing it. A friend suggested having a text-to-speech program read it out loud to you. It won't catch everything, but you'll be surprised at how your ears will reject what your eyes will ignore.
Oh that's great advice, thank you! And yeah, following a news cycle really means I unfortunately can't wait until I have fresh eyes to look at things.